Chapter 17 : The Prankster.

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Chapter's song : Waves - Mr Probz


I woke up early today and found the girls still a sleep so I decided to add a little spin to our morning. I got dressed quietly and ran out the hub to enter the junior rockers hub.

"Wakey Wakey time for mischief!!" I screamed with a laugh.

A couple of them woke up clumsily but got up anyways. Others didn't even hear me scream.

"Do you guys have water guns?" I asked.

They nodded slowly rubbing their eyes.

"Kay then get them and let's get going" I clapped.

We all ran back to my hub but then tiptoed our way to the beds.

"C'mon guys. One 1,2...3 GO!" I shouted.

The kids attempted to spray but no water came out of the gun.

How stupid was I to ask little kids for help.

The rest woke up, not from water, but from our annoying screaming.

"Guys!!" I sighed.

Suddenly a better idea popped into my mind.

"Guys go fill these guns with water and meet me outside the senior boys hub."

They all nodded then ran so quick.

I looked back at the girls to see most of them frowning at me for waking them up. Oops?

"Sorry?" I smiled nervously. "I got to run!"

I ran for my life as fast as I could to see the junior rockers all ready to bust a prank on the boys.

We all made our way to the beds when the kids started spraying the sleeping boys awake.

I laughed so hard as I saw their reactions.

Suddenly, I felt someone tickle my sides and whisper something in my ear "but you failed to get me pranked!"

I turned around to see Shane. Oh my god! No! I wanted to prank him so bad. I guess the prank game is on then...

I laughed at him then playfully punched his arm.

"I will next time Shane Gray. Watch your back!" I teased.

"Mitchie they are going to kill us!!" I heard one of the kids screaming. I turned around to see them all running out of the hub while the boys ran after them.

I gasped and ran after all of them. I want no one to get hurt.

"Hey stop!" I screamed but no one heard me.

I was running way too fast and I was completely out of breath. I wanted to stop but I couldn't.

Then a black fog appeared...and that was the last thing I saw.


I heard people say my name. Some voices came from far away, others were so close.

I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't at first.

"She woke up!" Some one screamed.

My head was in severe pain. "W-what is everyone doing here?"

"Are you okay?" Asked Peggy.

"Yeah, but any pain killers? My head hurts" I asked.

"I have." Said Caitlyn.

I could see Tess standing at the end of the crowd crossing her arms together with a frown on her face. It's like she was mad at something.

I managed to slowly get up while Shane helped.

"Feeling better?" He asked.

I nodded with a smile.

"Tess Is everything o-okay" I asked.

"Y-yeah. Why do you even care?" She said then turned around and went into the hub.

Yikes. What a reaction.

"What's wrong with her?" Asked Ella.

"I don't know..." I said.

"Maybe something is bothering her" suggested Nate.

"No I think I know what's going on" said Dana.

"What?" Asked Jason.

"Well she is clearly jealous of mitchie and Shane being together. We all know Tess. At the end of the day she is the same girl we knew 2 years ago. I don't really know guys." Explained Dana.

"We don't really know her" said Bertha.

"But she looked sweet to me" said Aaron.

"We never know guys..." Said Caitlyn.

Most of the rest nodded. Others looked at mom and Mr. Bradford running all the way to where I was sitting.

"Honey! What happened?" Mom rushed to me and pulled me into a hug.

"Do you want me to call the ambulance?" Mr. Bradford asked.

"N-no I'm good" I said.

"Okay then let's take you into your hub" he said as all the others helped me get up and walk to my bed.

If only I wasn't the luckiest to have friends like these. I'm in love with every moment that passes here with them....

I slowly drifted to sleep as they all left me alone in the quiet hub.


Hi guys!! I updated quickly this time!! Please don't get confused about Shane and Mitchie, you'll soon know what is going on as the story reaches an end. We still have lots of chapters to go though!!

Thank you for your delightful support!! I love you!! xxx

This dedication goes to: @nnekawaithe

Love, #DanaBJ# (Dana)

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