Chapter 12 : Rockin' on

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Chapter's song : Calling - Lewis Watson


It was really fun singing out there, but I had to check on mom. I went rushing to see if she feels better now...

"Mom?" I said loudly.

"Mom? Where are you?" I said louder.

I went to the kitchen to grab a chocolate bar. On the refrigerator there was a sticky note...

'Hello Dear! Don't worry if you don't find me home. I just went for a walk! I'm just trying to feel better and forget about all the hard things we went through. Anyways, I left you a yummy cheese burger in the refrigerator when you get hungry. I will come back soon. Your mom ;) XX'

I put my cheeseburger in the microwave along with some fries. I added cheese on top of the fries so that it could melt.

After I finished my burger, I decided to wait for mom...

30 Minutes later...

While I was watching the T.V, I heard the door knob open, I knew it was mom.

"Hello Mitchie! I'm sorry that I didn't tell you that I'll be gone. Though I wrote you a note. You saw it right?" She said with a smile.

I walked to her and gave her a big hug then told her: "Hello mom! I was so worried about you." "How do you feel now mom? I hope you're not upset and that you kinda got over it...I know it's hard, but we gotta move on now."

"Ahh! Don't worry sweetie, everything's alright now. I think I'd better hurry up with the cooking now." She said. "But before that...I got a surprise for you."

"Now that Brown can't run camp anymore, we got someone else, and he's full of excitement." Mom said.

"I-I just can't believe this! Are you serious mom?" I said while excitement covered my face.

"Yes dear! he got accepted! And plus new campers will help rock out this place!" She said.

"I got his card...umm let me see...Ah! yes! Mr. Bradford Davis!" Mom said.

"Nice!! I really can't wait! I know I will miss Brown though, but we have to get going. When will he start running camp mom?" I said.

"Yes! He told me it's possibly tomorrow, and the campers as well! I didn't get to know the camper's names, but you'll meet them tomorrow with your friends!" Mom said.

"Oh my! that's so cool!" I said jumping.

"Now get back to camp! I'll be cooking food! I know you're not hungry, but if you ever do, then don't get shy. Just tell me." Mom ordered.

"Okay mom! I'll see you later then!" I said.

"Take care!" She told me.

I gave her a big hug then ran off as quickly as I could to camp with those news I had.

After I got to camp, I rushed to tell everyone! everyone was sitting in a big group and discussing something...

I interrupted saying: "Hey there! Sorry I'm late, I had to stay there and wait for mom cause she wasn't home. However, I got really big news!"

"What Mitchie?? Tell us!" Caitlyn said loudly.

"Yes Mitchie! What's going on?" Barron said.

"Actually there's someone who is going to run camp starting from tomorrow! He will take Brown's place! My mom told me that he seems as amazing as Brown...Plus! There are new campers joining us!"

"I didn't get to know the camper's names, but I got to know the new manager! He's called Mr. Bradford Davis!"

"Are you serious Mitchie?" Tess said with a wide smile on her face.

"So there's someone who would run camp?" I heard Peggy saying.

"And new campers too?" Shane said.

"Exactly! We're all gonna rock this camp together!" I said.

Everyone looked really pleased with the news! They all started discussing it until I interrupted again and said: "Guys! I think it's lunch time! We don't wanna miss that! So let's head to the cafeteria and discuss this!" I suggested.

We all were discussing how cool camp would be tomorrow as we walked to the cafeteria.

Everyone started eating their lunch but me. I wasn't feeling hungry at all. "Why you not eating? Not hungry?" Ella told me from across the table.

"I actually already ate lunch! I'm sorry! I went to check on mom, but she wasn't there, so I had to wait. Then I just got really hungry and decided to eat something. So I'm not hungry now." I told her.

"Oh that's okay." She said after a few seconds.

After everyone ate, we decided to rock this camp with our new music.

Everyone got ready, and I really shall say this...Camp gets louder and more active every time we rock out our jams!

Singing, dancing, or playing instruments...each one of us had a talent. Each and every talent counts. I just loved how loud and happy everyone was.


Hey there rockers!! So that's my first update since my friend Dana has traveled, I'm trying my best to make the chapters long though. I'll try to publish as many chapters now throughout the next two weeks, then every thing gets back to normal, and we'll start writing together again. I'd like to thank all the supporters out there! Ur support means everything to us! We would't have got this far without ur support! ❤️❤️❤️ ~¥araRA~

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