Chapter 20 : Our promises

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Chapter's song : Summer - Calvin Harris


"MITCH WAKE UP!" A familiar voice interrupted my dream.

I moaned and pulled the covers up my face. "1 more minute" I said as I snuggled into my pillow.

I heard the voice chuckle and say "but I'll get you ice cream...."

"Shane no. I'm not going anywhere with you until you fix the mess you did." I said getting serious while sitting up in bed.

"You were sleep talking 20 seconds ago, besides what mess?" He acted all innocent.

"The Tess mess. And don't you mock me mister." I snapped.

He laughed "listen mitchie. I thought we were supposed to trust each other. I thought we were supposed to keep our promises. I thought our hearts were supposed to beat as one. I can be mad at you now, because according to the letter we had planned all this together, and since I'm as clueless as you then yes I can be all mad at you now but I'm not, because I stick to our promises. I believe you, even if you told me you were lying, I would still take everything you say as the utter truth, because Mitch I trust you, and no matter what goes on I'll forever do."

My heart was skipping beats and my pulse was racing rapidly. Really? Is that really what he felt towards me? I must've been a complete idiot all this time....

Although I was so happy on the inside I didn't want this to end right here with a sorry and a hug. I need to know who did this. I'll hug Shane as soon as we get back to camp. No second thoughts around this.

"Then who did it Shane?" I pointed.

"I really don't know, but as soon as I do, that person won't be distinguishing day from night. I promise. I promise. I promise. For you mitch, I'd do anything to keep my promise." He smiled as his eyes twinkled in sincere.

In my head I was singing the words 'I trust you' but I just didn't want to tell him that yet. Not now. Not today...

"T-thank you?" I said which sounded more like a question.


I walked to the door as the bell rang continuously.

"I'm coming!" I sighed. "Where is your temper dude?" I whispered under my breath as I opened the door.

"Hey." A voice I kinda missed said.

"Come here jenn!" I said pulling her into a hug. "I miss you little one." I told her as I ruffled her hair, which made me earn a playful punch on my arm.

"Ouch" I over reacted.

"Seriously Mitch?" Jennie said giving me a death glare.

I laughed as I pulled her up to the room and shut the door behind us.

Shane went to pick up his mom from the airport because she was away for a while.

"Why are you back so early?" She said.

"I got set up into some trouble and yeah, I was kicked out" I explained.

"Ouch!" She gritted her teeth.

I nodded in agreement to her reaction.

"Some souls are way too cruel to live..." I said.

"But also, we are way too sweet to fit in a society filled with all these cruel ones..." She completed, which was actually 100% true.

We get beaten up everyday, although we are the most who deserve all the respect. We can't stand up for our selves thinking it's wrong to set up someone back. Perhaps all the good people need a new way of living. Perhaps all the bad ones need a good person to shut them up real good once, and only then they'll stop.

"Tell me more" said Jennie snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Well you know Shane?" I asked and waited for her to nod. "He was here earlier, and he told me that he trusted me and that he'd do anything to keep all his promises to me. He's just crazily sweet." I smiled.

"OOOO" teased Jennie.

"Stop!" I tackled her.

"Shane and mitchie sitting on a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" She sang.

"No seriously cut it jenn!" I laughed.


"Then it's tickle torture!!" I said tickling her sides while she tried to take her breath and push me away.



My phone vibrated on the table while I set my fork and spoon on the side of my dish.

"Who is it?" Asked mom.

"Shane" I smiled picking up the call.

"Hey!" I spoke.

"Hello! Listen. I've got a plan. Pack up we will be soon staying up all night singing along with all the other campers." He rushed. I could imagine him smiling on the other end of the call.

"AHHHHH" I screamed so loud, that me myself almost went deaf.

I laughed as he chuckled through the call.

"Tomorrow yeah? Check with your mom first then call me when you're free." He said.

"Okay" I smiled. "Bye!"


"Mitch you have a letter from one of the campers." Mom shouted walking up the stairs and into my room.

I was getting into bed. Tomorrow was a big day. I have to be active and healthy.

"Who is it from?" I asked confused. Who would send me a letter when we have technology?

"I don't know sweetie. Just check it yourself" she threw me the envelope and walked out.

From: Tess

To: Mitchie

Hey. Sorry for what happened to you in camp, but since you won't be coming back, I have to tell you something so important.

The letter read. I stopped not wanting to go on. I don't want to hear those words that she's been trying to tell me. I know they'll hurt me. I know they'll break me and Shane. I know I'll be destroyed. Shall I go on?

'The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek'

Yes I shall. How bad could the news be? Besides, I don't give a flying fruitcake.


Hey there rockers!! How is school/college going. I know it's heart wrecking but aye we all need some education right? Well good luck to you all!

Also we will be doing our first following spree in celebration of our 20th chapter. First all you need to do is answer the following question. The first 3 right answers will get a follow from me and @YaraAlkhaldi. Good luck!!

The question is:

Who was at the hospital when Brown's death was announced?

Thank you for your great support! We love you all!! xxx

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