Chapter 27 : Forever

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After all that singing and dancing, I went back to the hub in order to take a rest. I was extremely tired! I grabbed a chocolate bar and my story with me. I decided to sit somewhere beside the lake.

"Where are you going Mitchie?" Dana said.

"Umm...Just going somewhere nearby to take a rest. I wanted some peace to read my story." I said.

"Oh, okay!" Dana said.

"But it's dark over there, you can't read." Caitlyn said.

"I got a little lamp with me." I said.

"Even though..." Caitlyn said.

"Well, I'll just go and watch the beautiful moon shine." I said.

"Okay then." Caitlyn said.
I opened the door, then went outside. Shane was standing there again.

"Just leave me alone! Would you?" I said.

"But please! Just give me a chance to speak!" He said.

"No. Now leave me alone. I need some 'alone time'." I said running as quickly as possible.

I finally sat on the bench near the lake.
It was really quiet. No one was there, which kinda scared me. I opened my chocolate bar staring at the moon.

"Why did I even trust him in first place?" I whispered.

After 10 minutes...

"Mitchie!! Mitchie come here!" Said Peggy loudly coming towards me.

"Yes Peggy?" I said after she reached.

"Lets just go back, Mitch." "You can't stay here alone at night." She said.

"Oh well." I said.
We walked back to the hub.

"By the way, why does Shane look upset?" She asked.

"I feel like there is some kinda problem." She said.

"Yeah. Just a small problem between us, but we're gonna fix that." I said.

"Oh." She said.

"I'm so tired though, I think I'll have to sleep early today..." I said.

"Yeah, I can see that. You need some rest." She said.

I wore my pajamas, brushed my teeth, then went to bed.

Early morning...

I woke up to the sound of some annoying bell, this indicates that it's breakfast time.

I got out of bed, wore my clothes, and fixed my hair. I still need to pack my bags, Camp's gonna be over. The thought of leaving camp kills me! I don't know how summer's gonna be like next year.

"Mitchie!! Breakfast!" Mom said loudly.

"I'm coming mom!" I said.

I got my tray full of healthy kinds of food and sat next to Dana.

"Good morning Mitchie!" She said.

"Oh, good morning!" I said.

"I heard you talking in your sleep today. Some weird stuff." She said.

"Oh really? Like what?" I asked.

"You said something about leaving Shane forever? I don't know. You were randomly saying words too." She said.

"Really?!?! That's weird..." I said.

Well I must've say that I'm worried about what could ever happen between me and Shane. I mean, We used to be really good friends, or even more...
But still, I feel like I cannot trust him anymore. I'm trying to ignore him the whole time, but I cannot do that forever, maybe I should just listen to what he wants to say. I don't know! Everything's just mixed up.

I ate my breakfast, and then went back to the hub. I had to finish some of the packing today.

"Oh, what are you doing Mitchie?" Tess said coming towards me.

"Packing my bags..." I said.

"Ready to leave camp? But we still have time." She said.

"Listen Tess, may you please leave me alone and do my packing? I gotta finish some right now." I said.

I need no more problems. Enough. I'll try my best to kinda stay away from her, she's the reason of everything bad that has happened in camp...
After I have finished the packing, I went to sit with all the other campers, they were discussing something, but I think that they have changed the topic when I came towards them.

"Oh, hey Mitchie!" Aaron said.

"Um..hey there! What were you discussing?" I asked.

"We only wanted some ideas for making today fun, you know..." Carter said.

"Yeah, exactly." Peggy said.

"Oh, well what about...umm...a little trip?" I said.

"Yeah, but what kind of trip" Peggy asked.

"I know exactly what kind of trip..." I smiled. "Follow me."
Hey guys! Sorry for the late update but I had a lot of school work to finish. Thank you for your support!! I love you!!
~¥araRA~ (Yara) 😍

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