Chapter 7 : Finally..

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Chapter's song : Aftertaste - Shawn Mendes.


Previously on Camp Rock 3 - Empty Promises:

"Hello?" I spoke through the phone. I was actually nervous for some reason.

"Mitchie!! I miss you so much!!" A familiar voice answered. After a very few seconds I knew who exactly who that was. Then unconsciously my smile was already a mile wide.

"Oh my god!! Caitlyn?? I miss you even more" I screamed.

"Yes!! One second Mitch" Caitlyn excused.

I heard voice in the background. "I want to talk to her!" Someone said. "Me too cate" another person spoke. I couldn't identify them though. There were some more chuckles and whispered also. The voices were slightly far to guess through a phone call.

"Hey Mitchie. Some others want to talk to you too. Ill put the call on speaker." Said Caitlyn.

"Okay sure." I smiled.

"Mitchie!!" Someone screamed. That scream was so loud. I can't feel my ears anymore. "I'm Ella."

Of course. It's Ella obviously. Who else would scream like that? I laughed to my self.

"Oh hi there ellie!! I miss you!! How is everything going?" I asked.

"We miss you too. I'm doing great." Said Ella. "Get off me, I'm talking to her."

"What's wrong?" I frowned

"Peggy won't let me talk to you. She says she wants to talk to you. But it's my turn." Whined Ella.

"Then ill just talk to both of you guys!" I laughed.

At this moment I was at the peak. I loved how this was going. I missed them all so much. I couldn't wait for summer.


"So Mitchie" said Sander.

"So Sander" I spoke. We both laughed through the phone as the others chuckled in the background.

"We have some news for you" he said. His tone suddenly turned into a serious-like tone. At that time I got utterly worried.

"What is it sander?" I frowned.

"You have to come back to camp right now" sander finally said after a long pause.

"I would love to! But what's wrong?" I calmed down, waiting for an answer.

"Well, brown...he's sick. He was carried to the hospital a week ago. He may not be able to run camp anymore. We might not see him at all anymore" answered sander as he mumbled the last sentence.

I felt my heart shatter into pieces. For a second it was like my knees couldn't hold me anymore.

"W-what? Listen sander. I'll be next to you guys as soon as I could. Just keep me on update please." I said as I wiped the clear salty tear away from my cheeks.

"Sure Mitch" replied sander.

"Take care guys" I told him.

"You too" he muttered as the call went blank.

I walked up to my room thinking about what I just heard. This couldn't be happening. Camp can't end. We need to fix this like we did last year.

I rushed to mum that was cooking in the kitchen. Although I was very hungry, I felt like I couldn't swallow a thing after the shocking news.

"Mom" I ran to her as the tears crashed down.

"Honey." She said holding me in a tight hug. "Talk to me little one"

I looked up at her and managed to say a sentence through my sobs. "We need to go to camp now before later"

"But we have to wait for your dad Mitchie" mom said.

Dad? What dad? My dad left without saying goodbye. I don't know where on earth he left, but as a daughter I have the right to know where my dad goes. I had to call him. It's an emergency. I had to get to the others in camp.

"Fine" I said digging my face in my hands. I pulled my hair off my face and walked to my room.

I quickly took my phone and dialed dad's number. He didn't pick up at the first attempt. I kept on calling until he finally picked up.

"Dad?" I spoke through the unclear phone call.

"Oh hey dear" dad said. I could barely hear his voice. The call was so blurry.

"Hi dad. Where are you? Me and mom are so worried." I told him.

"Mitchie I tried calling your mom more than once. She didn't pick up. But I'm fine. I just have some job outside of the country. Ill be back don't worry." He said.

"Yeah mom changed her phone number. I'll text you her new one later. Dad, me and mom are wondering if we can go to camp tomorrow. Brown is so ill, and I have to be next to all the rest." I explained.

"Okay no problem sweetie. Just take care." He approved.

"Thank you daddy!" I said jumping with excitement. "I love you!!"

"I love you too baby girl" he laughed.


We were already packing our bags. Mom had finished. I still had some little things to pack. Things like my like yellow notebook. I smiled to myself at that thought. I felt like my first day at camp was yesterday.

I was all ready. "Mom!" I shouted. "Ready!"

"Great! Let's roll then" she shouted back.


Finally. Finally the smell of fresh air. The smell of roasted marshmallows. The smell of music. The smell of memories. The smell of love. I can't believe I'm back.

I walked out of the truck and rushed down to the hubs. The memories flooded, but it didn't matter anymore. I'm here. I'm home.

Though there was something missing. Something huge was missing. Camp was never like that. As I walked through it's doors and gardens I saw something different.

I saw a quiet camp. It's like all the trees were dead. There was no soul. Where are all the screaming and talented musicians? Where is all the music? Where are all the water fights and loud laughs? Where is all the love and life? Where are all the dreamers?

I walked on to stage. The microphone was covered with dust. I blew the dust away carefully. I took in a deep breath and looked around. This is where I belong. This camp must go on. I did what we always used to do. Sing.


Hello there beautiful rockers!! So this is just a filler chapter. It's short, but I honestly love it. It's somehow powerful isn't it? I also wanted to thank all the beautiful people that left all the beautiful comments in the last chapter. They were so helpful and motivating. You guys are the best!! Leave us your thoughts down in the comments. Thank you for being here xxx Love #DanaBJ# (Dana)

We have to dedicate this week's chapter to an awesome supporter, @gurl98. Thank you so much for being part of this journey.

And also we changed the cover. Tell us if you like it or not in the comments. If you don't we can can switch back to the old one. If anyone can design a new cover, please inbox me if possible. Thank you :)

Best of regards to everyone!! Take care. Love, #DanaBJ# (Dana)

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