Chapter 31: Just a shadow Part 1

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'I swear, he better be easy to convince,' I thought as I made my towards the office. I wasn't sure how hard it was going to be getting Shadow Freddy to express why he had to disconnect himself from all of us. I came up the the office with both doors closed. 'How the hell does this place still have power? I thought you need power to use the doors?' I thought. I walked over to the window to get a glimpse of him. He was sitting on the chair, just staring at the wall. "Hey!" I said while knocking on the window. Shadow actually looked at me, but didn't responded. "Do you mind opening the door?" I asked. He didn't responded, I wasn't too sure if my voice was muffled from behind the window or he was just ignoring. He just turned around to face the wall, completely ignoring me, as if I didn't exist to begin with. "So, you want to have it that way?" I said to myself. I walked back a couple steps, as held my fist back. Without hesitation I punched the window, making myself my own entrance. Even with the loud shatter of the window breaking and all the glass shards on the ground, it made little presence to Shadow. He only reaction was turning around, like nothing happened. "Was that necessary?" he asked saying something at last. "Yes. If I don't get acknowledged, I'll find a quick solution," I said. "Even by doing that?" he asked. "Well, I wasn't feeling patient this time around," I responded. "You mind explaining why you've been so distant from everyone?" "It's nothing," he responded not looking at me. "Bullshit! You been acting distant from us, and been ignoring us as well. Not to forget you've been acting more hostile when RXQ is around, or if anyone brings up his name," I said. "Something isn't right with you, but we're here to help." "Well..." he tried saying but he kept the rest of what he had to say enclosed from me. "Shadow. I want to help, I'm always offering to help. But I can't when you're keeping your thoughts away from us, it only brings you down more than what it already has done," I said. He stared at the ground for a moment, leaving me to question what the end result was going to be. Thankfully it was a good choice, but an unpredictable reason. "I think it's time you understand my unforgettable past Freddy."

Shadow Freddy's P.O.V

As RXQ already explained, me and him were once humans that worked at "Freddy Fazbear's Pizza" during the time of it's existence. Me, previously known as Frank, and John, now known as RXQ were friends even before working at the pizzeria. We decided to take the same job as me to be able to see each more often, considering the times we had were limited due to college. After we both finished college, we took the job at the pizzeria as we were tasked with performing with the  Spring-Locks suits that were provided. And all went well; for the most part. Sadly it was during the time of Michael's killing spree had returned, and we were the unfortunate ones. As your aware, me and... John, suffered from the suit malfunctioning on us, tampered by Michael. And you think that would've been the end of us? Nobody at "Freddy's" does, at least not fully. What you don't know is that I was the first one to be brought back to life by the Puppet and Henry. Fortunately, I was the one who discovered the truth about this place, and Henry knew that as well.

I could feel my thoughts, almost as if I could touch them. I was alive. But how? I thought I would be dead, I could've sworn I perished from that suit malfunction. Didn't William say the suits were were always checked properly for any signs of malfunctioning? "It worked, thank good." I couldn't comprehend who had said that, but it wasn't familiar. That's when I opened my eyes, which felt like I was doing for the first time. Standing in front of me, was a puppet. I could make out a stage and animatronics near me, ones that looked new. "Good. You're awake," the Puppet said. "Who are you?" I asked. "Shouldn't I be dead?" "Well lucky for you I managed to save you," said the Puppet. "Save me?" I asked. I looked at my hands; they were purple. "Well, I guess you can call it me saving you," said the Puppet. "You're a shadow of the Fredbear suit, it was the best I could do." "Aren't you supposed to be the the marionette we had at the location?" I asked. "Yes, I am. I am the soul of a child that was murdered at 'Fredbear's Family Diner' when it was still open," said the Puppet. "I'm surprised you're not more surprised of me." "I feel like I should, but I feel like it's a normal thing," I responded. "It's defies all logic,but that seems irrelevant to me now for some odd reason." "Perhaps you've changed a bit when I brought you back to life," responded Puppet. "It may have altered my personality, but also have a bit of an animatronic in me," I responded. "But why bring me back?" I asked. "That wasn't my decision, it was Henry's." "Henry?" I asked. Puppet looked at me confused, like I should've known who he his. "You don't know him?" he asked. "No." "Well, he worked with William on some of the animatronics, but he mostly did the funds and more business side of things," he explained. "You sure know a lot about me." I looked to see a person walking from the door that was near me. "Henry, you're late," said Puppet. For some reason just by looking at him, I was getting a weird vibe, like there was something about him that was kept away from my grasps. There was something more to him than what I was given. He wore a black suit, and an orange tie, though even his choice of clothing felt inconspicuous on who he was. "Sorry, I had to make sure the night guard wasn't Michael. Thankfully it isn't," he responded. "Hmm, he could've taken the opportunity twice and he hasn't. Strange," responded Puppet. "I see you've resurrected him," said Henry looking at me. "Yes. Now I've got to do the same for his friend," said Puppet. "Wait, this reminds me! Where's John?" I asked. "You'll both reunite in a bit," said Puppet. "Watch him for me will you?" "I got you covered," responded Henry. The Puppet floated away from us, which did make sense in a way. "There's something I need to ask you," I said to Henry. "Go ahead," he responded. "What was the point of bringing me back?" "Well for many important reasons, but I'll explain that when your friend is here to join us," he responded. "What I can explain is what happened during your absence." "Well go ahead. I'm ready to learn what happened during the time I was... away you could say," I responded. "Puppet may have told you what happened to him, but did he explain what happened after that?" he asked. "No," I responded. "Well, then I'm assuming you don't know who was responsible for you and your friends death," he said. "I never knew. I wasn't even aware the suits were rigged to kill me and John," I responded. "Sadly, it was someone who had a reputation for being related to someone you once knew," he said. I raised an eyebrow, curious for what he had to say. "Who?" "William's son; Michael." "His son? I wasn't aware he had one," I responded. "All I know is he disappeared during the construction of 'Fredbear's Family Diner,' around the same time his mom disappeared," he explained. "I guess it makes sense, he never was open for conversation about his family," I responded. "But what happened with his son?" "Well, something happened to him... he changed . Everything about him changed; he wasn't the same person he once was," he responded. "His skin was purple for no apparent reason, and he had taken an interest on murdering children," he said. "Whatever happened to him must've been done to him more mentally than physical." "How do you have so much information about him," I asked suspicious of him knowing so much, considering he said he disappeared for some time. I didn't seem right he would know so much about him, yet he seemed to not even know him as well. "Well for one, Puppet witnessed most of the murders he's done. Not to forget he's the one that made himself aware of his existence to everyone," he responded. "Murders? Beside ours? Care to elaborate?" I asked. He took a deep breath before answering my question, but it seemed kinda fake, like he was putting up an act. I was having off putting thoughts about Henry. "Your deaths weren't the only thing that caused the closure of the first 'Freddy Fazbear's pizza,' more happened like I said during your absence. "Closure?" I asked confused. "If you couldn't comprehend already, this place is the second 'Freddy Fazbear's Pizza' that just opened today," he responded. "What caused the closure of the previous location?" I asked. "Following you and your friends deaths, the company decided to replace the Spring-Lock suits with new animatronics that couldn't be worn," he said. "But what was the purpose? At that point the place would have a bad reputation, it would even attract the will of closing the place down," I explained. "Who's idea was it to even continue?" "William's," responded Henry. "So why would he even try to continue, he would be at the point of no return," I said. "What if William is working with Michael?" Henry had an odd expression at my predication. It had an effect on him, a questionable one. Judging by his face, he wasn't shock, it was something else. Even the long pause supported my claim. "I don't think so, he doesn't even know his son is responsible for the murders," he said. "So why haven't you told him? You work with him so you have the opportunity to share with him about his son being the reason why his establishment has went to hell," I said. "If it were that easy," he responded. "I've told him, but he doesn't want to believe me," he responded. "From what I've gathered, he's afraid of accepting what his son has become." I had to take a moment to think that logical response to heart, because he had a point. I felt if I was put into that similar situation, I would be in denial as well. Knowing the fact that I had a son, who went missing for a long period of time, was the one responsible for bringing harm to his place. It was the sad reality. "Reversing back to the point, five new animatronics were brought to replace the old ones. Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, and Golden Freddy. Somehow, this change enabled the company to stay in business for a while, it even attracted more people then before," said Henry. "But one day, an incident happened that changed everything. Five children were lured into a room without anyone knowing, leading to their unbearable demise. The bodies were hidden in the animatronic suits, as an attempt to hide away any traces of evidence. For weeks the police had no clues or any idea on how the children went missing, but this incident was the beginning of the nightmare. People reported smelling awful odors from the animatronics suits, which proceeded to the company to result in shutting the restaurant down, but it didn't end there... it never will." His last words let out an expression of interest for his peculiar choice of words. He seemed to notice, which seemed to bother him. "I'll he right back. I need to check on Puppet." He left as I was left with a quizzical feeling for me to think about. Something about him felt off, yet the answer wasn't clear to me. Perhaps I needed to know more about him to require I deeper understanding about him. I took a couple glances around the place to keep myself occupied for the moment. Around me were animatronics, ones that I'd never seen before. They seemed more advanced, oddly too advanced. These animatronics details were nothing that could be crafted today, this was strange. They had a toy feel to all of them, mainly because of their design. I stepped off the stage to check out the surroundings and get a feel of the place. The place felt it was mixture of life and death. You could feel like this place was a happy place, yet it was exposing it's true colors. It was hiding it's dark intentions, what this place was made for. To kill children. I walked over to what appeared to be a gift shop. Sitting on shelves were plushies of animatronics, and next to them was a huge box. My best assumption was it was where the Puppet was during the day. I noticed there was another entrance nearby, and with my feeling of curiosity I allowed myself to check out the room. And maybe it was for a good hunch. I stopped to see an animatronic on the ground, one that was a mess. It appeared to be a fox, yet I was having trouble identifying what the gender was for some reason. The thing was missing parts and looked to be broken. "Hmm... wonder what happened to this one," I said aloud. It seemed odd that this animatronic would be broken, it seemed as if someone broke it purposely. But being me I brushed the thought off as nothing that had a point... or what really what the signs were hinting at. I walked out of that room as I looked at a clock that was above nearby hanging on the wall. It was only ten, which meant a night guard would soon arrive to ensure the protection of this place. But then the thought that I should've been focusing on came to mind; what if someone saw me? If a security guard or even anyone would see me, that would result in a very bad situation. Nobody would even bother to wonder what I really was, but just only one of 'them.' It would also risk putting the option of closing down this place, if it wasn't already that factor yet. "I need to find Henry and Puppet," I thought. I walked across the empty dark halls, while the dim lights were my only source of sight. The more I walked through this place as undiscovered land, the more I had a bad feeling about this place. I felt like it was trying to tell me something, but I could understand what. At least not yet. I walked past some bathrooms as I could hear voices, not clear but most certainly voices. I looked directly at the door inches away from me that read 'maintenance room' on the label. As I walked closer to it, I could make out the voice more clearer. I couldn't decipher their words, but I knew it was Puppet and Henry speaking. I was about to get closer and open the door to get into the room, but at the corner of my eye, I saw something purple down the hall to my left. I quickly glanced, only to see nothing down the dark hall. 'What was that?"'I thought. I walked down the hall to investigate my encounter. I had a strong suspicion that it had to be Michael. The way Henry described him made the possibility that Michael was back to finish what he started. Ruining this place for everyone for his own pleasure. I walked over to what seemed to be the office, yet it had a unusual design and feel towards it. It felt that it was more of a job of survival, rather then simply watching a place that had a dark history. I looked around the room, observing with all awareness that I needed, but found nothing. Perhaps it was my mind playing tricks on me? It couldn't be, it had to me him. I was in denial now, I was uncertain if that was reality. Or was it him? Now I was confused. But my attention got drawn to the closet that was in front of me. This was the only way to prove that what I saw was real. I moved my hand, ready to discover the answer to my question. "Shadow!" It took me a second to respond to that voice. I turned around to find Henry waiting for me. "Don't run off like that! I thought you left this place or something," he said. "Sorry, my curiosity put me in autopilot and led me to explore this place," I responded. "By the way, why did you call me Shadow?" "Well Frank doesn't sound like an appropriate title for you, so your new given name is Shadow Freddy," he responded. "I guess that can work," I respond. It was going to be hard adapting to my new life as one of 'them,' but that was not going to take me down that easily. I had to be ready for anything new, this was wasn't a normal life anymore. It was a life of being thrown into the middle of a crisis, one that would last for a long time. "I'm sorry for being so concerned for your protection, if your were to leave this place... Well I think you have a clear idea what would happen." "I know," I responded thinking what would happen if I left this place. "Let's meet back with Puppet and your friend," said Henry as ne started to be barely visible through the dark, acting as if he was apart of the shadow. But now I was the shadows. I followed him as we walked back in the main room. Puppet was already awaiting our return, and so was a friend. Another person turned around, who was a black rabbit. But I didn't need disguises to hide the identity of my friend, John. "John?" I asked skeptical if he remembered me, the old me. His silence left me in disbelief for a moment, but thankfully his response contradicted my thought. "Frank?" he asked for a brief moment. I let out a smile, happy to discover he remembered me; what was left of me. "I thought it could be the end for the both of us," he said. "I guess we weren't destined to stay dead," I said. "No. But both of you are needed for more important matters, one that is severely important," responded Henry. "But I will continue forth explaining what has happened during your absence." "Alright," I responded. "As I explained the five children were killed, yet they still lived on. They took possession of the five animatronics, creating a newborn evil. This new place was opened to continue that conquest and sense of pride, the feeling of evil. The Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy models were scrapped and the company decided to use them as parts of their new line of entertainment; the toy animatronics," he explained. "They were designed to be more advanced, and the company installed a feature that allowed the animatronics to detect anyone for any criminal records." "So they're able to identity anyone?" asked John. "Correct," replied Henry. "But why use a feature like that?" I asked. "I made it so I could have enough evidence to present to the police that it's Michael," he responded. "Nobody knows you designed those features?" asked John. "Yes... for now," responded Henry. "If Michael or anyone finds out about that feature, it's gonna compromise and put any chance of having enough evidence of Michael being the killer in jeopardy." "It may be our only chance," added in Puppet. "You mentioned four of the old animatronics, but what about the fifth one?" I asked wondering why he left out that one in particular. "It never was finished, and further progress on it was stopped completely. It was supposed to be a new Spring-Lock suit, Golden Freddy. But due to you and RXQ's death, that left the company with the decision of ending the Spring-Lock suits for good," he explained. "And now the present his here, deciding what fate comes next to whom and when." "But what does this have to due with me and Jo- RXQ?" I asked. Puppet and Henry gave each other a look, then returned their attention back to us. "We need someone to watch this place," said Henry. "Excuse me?" asked RXQ. "I don't think I quite understand what you mean by this," I responded. "We need to know when and where Michael will be. I can't be here during the day all the time, same goes for during the night, and Puppet is limited to being available during the day. We need people who can surpass those obstacles," said Henry. "And how does this differentiate us from the both of you?" I asked. "You have powers given to you by Puppet, which allows you to not be seen by anyone," said Henry. "This power is called the 'Resurrection Power,' a power that is the reason why I and the 'others' are able to still exist," said Puppet. "You both, even the animatronics, have a small percentage of the power, which allows you to have unspeakable powers." "What kind of powers?" asked RXQ. "It's best I show you another night," responded Puppet. "We also don't have an idea if the night guard is Michael, if so it would allow him to sabotage this place without giving his identity away. He could even erase all the footage from the cameras, making it harder to uncover his presence," explained Henry. "You both may be our only way to reveal Michael true colors." "What if it fails?" asked RXQ. "Don't worry, we'll keep any prevention's from occurring," said Henry. "It's best we wrap this up, it'll soon be twelve," said Puppet. "Indeed. I suggest the best place you both should hide is in the maintenance room," said Henry. "If it hides our existence from anyone else, fine by me," responded RXQ. "Until next time," said Henry as he walked to the exit and left us. Puppet went to the box that was near the prizes, as me and RXQ walked to the maintenance room, ready to endure our new life's. "This will take time to get used to," said RXQ. "Indeed. But we should be thankful we're getting redemption for our demise," I responded. "Let's just hope we can save others," he said. "We may have not saved ourselves, but since we are capable of saving others and have a second life, we gotta insure we use it correctly," I said. "Or else we may just waste it a second time."

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