Chapter 32: Just a shadow Part 2

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Funtime Freddy's P.O.V 

"So you and him actually were friends still, even after what happened when you were both killed?" "Rightfully so," responded Shadow Freddy. "And I'm guessing at that time, you didn't have any clues about Henry's intentions?" I asked. "I did have my suspicions and thoughts about his behavior, but the thought of him bring evil never crossed my mind," he responded. "I guess that's a valid point," I responded while pausing for a brief moment. "But what I don't understand is why the Puppet was helping him?" "I guess at that time he wasn't aware of Henry's true self either," he responded. "And I was just as blinded as he was." "You also mentioned seeing Mic-... I mean Springtrap while you were looking around," I said bringing it up since it seemed to be unanswered. "Now that I think about after all those years, it did seem he was at the place around the time me and RXQ were brought back to life," he responded. "The whole time he was probably hiding in the closet, and probably slipped inside of it when I wasn't staring ahead at one point." "But I'm guessing there's more to your story," I said. "Yes," he responded. "There always is."

Shadow Freddy's P.O.V

It didn't take long for things to go to hell as some would say. As me and RXQ watched the long night, we discovered a problem. The night guard, Jeremy Fitzgerald, witnessed what the corruption of this place really held to spread across this world. As if woken from his arrival, the toys animatronics started getting near his office on the first night. It was only Toy Chica and Toy Bonnie that were the first to greet him. At first, it just seemed to be them acting up... or so that was what we thought. Me and RXQ brushed it off as nothing, until we started to notice more strange things. On the second night, the old animatronics started moving on their own to roam this place, to conquer it as their own. This was strange because Puppet stated clearly that they were permanently deactivated and could not be moving around. The only logical conclusion I came to was that either someone had purposely reactivated them... or something else. On the first day of the pizzeria's opening, there was an incident where Michael had lured kids and killed more kids. And me and RXQ witnessed the whole thing. Henry said if we interfered, we would just expose ourselves to the place. I should've thought twice about that. In order to save them, Puppet transferred their souls into the toy animatronics. It may have not been the wisest choice, or even the first time he did it. On the third night at least almost all of the animatronic were roaming around at night, creating the fear of living in hell. Then came the fourth night, and that was when things started getting hectic. Everyone animatronic was active... everyone. The Golden Freddy suit started to move as well, considering it's current state put it in a position where it couldn't move at all, yet it was able to move by teleporting. Puppeted assumed that some of his powers gave him a higher percentage of the 'resurrection power' when he brought the child's soul to the suit. But during that time Puppet was starting to become 'them' at some point. During the night, one of Jeremy's task was to make sure the Puppet didn't leave his box. But when we would ask him during the night why that was a feature, we wouldn't even responded. He would just act like he was just a normal puppet, not responding or acknowledging us. But when I would ask him during the day, he would tell us he didn't recall that ever happening. The same happened with RXQ, he started acting weird as well. During the beginning of the fourth night, his behavior changed at the speed of pressing a button. He took an interest on antagonizing Jeremy throughout the rest of the two nights. And when I would question him for doing that, he wouldn't answer. Just like Puppet. But when I would ask him during the day, he would responded saying he didn't remember it happening. And then came the fifth night, the night where it was a frenzy of killing Jeremy. It seemed like at every second the animatronics were eager to get him. By that I mean kill to put it simply. They seemed to have made an aggression and need for revenge on the night guard, as if he was the one to blame for putting them into their miserable life's. I'll say though he was prepared, or I guess he was just lucky; seems like you need that these days. And then came the bite, the most horrible and brutal thing I've seen yet. All of us witnessed, too dumbstruck to be able to eve say a word. I wish I would've done something for that kid if I weren't blocked by the risk of revealing my existence. And the thought that we just let the decision of closing down another location, and preparing for another one filled me with disbelief. And we accomplished nothing from that, but just to repeat it once more. But then came the last night, the night I got answers. Though more than that, only betrayal and lies, ones that carry with me still today; only to remind how I lost a part of me.

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