Chapter 6

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~Phil's POV~

I quickly emerged from my bed and dialed the phone to Trinity's number. "Hello?" She asked in her sweet soft voice. "Hello!" I responded chirpy as usual. "Oh hey baby!" She responded; "What do you need?" "Can you come over today? Dan really wants to meet you." I asked questioningly. "Uhh, I don't know..." I started to feel my heart sink. "I kind of don't want to meet him." I had to bring out the big information to make her come. It was the only way. "Please Trinity? Dan really wants to meet you. And he kind of looked through our messages and found out about you." I rubbed my head. There was a long pause on the other line, I thought it went dead. "Alright, I'll be there in an hour and a half." I smiled. "Oh thank you so much! You'll love him!" She laughed. "Ha! You're so funny I love you bye!" I hung up and walked to Dan's room with a bit of pep in my step.

I opened the door. "Hey Dan" I said, he was laying on his side. "Hi Phil" Dan sounded a bit sad. "Great news! Trinity is coming in half an hour!" I jumped up and down. "Alright, and?" He said with no feeling. "And?" I repeated. "Oh, never mind! Just leave!" Dan snapped. I didn't argue with him I just left. I wonder why he was so mad. I got dressed in a black and white plaid shirt, and some blue jeans. I went into the kitchen and started to clean the dishes and the table. I did'nt want Trinity to think I was a slob. About a hour went by, I needed to go see if Dan was ready. "Dan?" I opened the door. "What are you doing?! Trinity will be here any minute!" Dan was still in his sleep pants and navy blue tank top. "I'm sorry. But I don't really care." I was stunned that Dan said this. "Dan stop being childish and get dressed!" I yelled. Dan got up and walked up to me chest to chest. "Phil, I don't care. Why should I care about a girl that wants to take you out of my life?" He sat back on his bed. "If I care I'll come out of my room."

I left and walked out to the lounge. I kinda felt bad. I mean after all, he did just propose to me and then he found out about my secret relationship. There was a knock on my door. "Coming!" I yelled I looked at Dan's door. He wasn't coming out. I opened the door to Trinity with her arms folded behind her back smiling so beautifully. "Hey babe!" She threw her arms around me. "Hi" I said. She was wearing a scarlet knee high dress with ankle height black combat boots. Along with a silver thin jacket. Come on in!" I took her jacket and threw it onto the couch while she sat down. "So," She began. "Where's Dan?" I needed to find an excuse. "Oh he's sleeping." "This early? It's only 5:30." Me and her laughed. "Phil?" She said innocently as she drawn with her finger in circles. "Yes?" I was scared what she would say. "Why do you not want to live with me?" She asked putting out her bottom lip. "I live with Dan and he's my best friend. We've lived together forever." She moved over closer to me. "But what about me?" She laughed and put her arm around me pushing me to my back on the couch. Just then Dan walked in. "Hello, you must be Trinity!" Dan said putting his hand out for a hand shake. "Hi! So nice to meet you!" So far so good. I've been nervous about them meeting all day. Dan wore his black Tumbler sweater and his original black ripped jeans. He sat next to us. "So, tell me about you and Phil." Dan said looking at me furiously. "Me and Phil have been together for a while now. We met at a bar in Florida. We started talking and he said that he lives and London and I told him that I did too. We started talking more and more. And then after two months we started to date." Dan's face got red. "That's wonderful." He said in his fake happy voice, showing his fake smile that looked almost believable. "How about you tell me about yourself." Trinity said sitting up tall and putting her hand under her chin. "Umm, I've known Phil pretty much my whole life. He's my best friend and I like to be on the internet." He said voice cracking multiple times. Trinity laughed, I could tell this hurt Dan. "How about we watch a movie? Huh?" I thought this was a pretty good save.

I put in Across The Line I've only watched this movie once with Dan about three years ago. Me and Trinity get comfortable while Dan watched looking hurt. He moved to the ground with a pillow and blanket. I felt kinda bad for him. "That was an amazing movie." I said. "Yeah, but not as amazing as you." Trinity said with her flirty skills. "I guess I better go" She said. I walked her to the door. "Bye" I said. She kissed me on the lips soft and slow. She winked and closed the door.

Dan rushed to his room. I quickly followed after. He was crying hard, more than ever before. "Whats wrong?" I asked trying to hug him. He refused throwing my arms back at myslef. "Don't you get it Phil?" He yelled as he backed up to sit on his bed. "I love you! It's hard to see you happy with someone that's not me, and will never be me!" He cried so hard that he was gasping for air. "I'm so sorry Dan. I wanted to tell you one night but than you proposed to me." He looked me in my eyes. "Phil?" He said. "What?" I asked looking down. "If I love you was a promise, would you break it if you're honest?" I looked up at him. Tears filled his eyes. I looked back at my feet. I had no answer. I just simply walked back to my room and closed my heavy teary eyes and went to sleep.

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