Chapter 44

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~Dan's POV~

It was around midnight, heavy rain was falling in London tonight. I plugged in my phone next to my bed and leaned over to put my arm around Phil. Oh, yeah. Phil's not here. I sit up and grab my phone. No new texts. I decide to send one myself.
Dan: Phil, I'm awfully sorry you feel that way about me... I will try better I promise.
I send the text. Nothing.
Dan: :(
Dan: Just remember Phil, you can always come home to me, Brendon and Elinna and I'll never stop loving you. I stare at my phone for a minute before placing it on the night stand again. I miss Phil. I miss how things used to be.
//A/N: Salutations! I promise you the story is not over but the next few chapters will just be texting so I hope that's okay. And off topic I got my 2 teeth pulled out today and it sucked but the lady that was doing it looked at my My Chemical Romance shirt and said: "I like them too." Which made me really happy. Alright Remember: "Stay Strong, Live On, And Power To The Local Dreamer."//
{Hopefully by now you know who that quote is by :) }

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