Chapter 31

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//A/N: Hey guys! Its SO weird to be writing "Chapter 30" also the picture up at the top is a picture that I drew last night because I felt like a artist at 11:54 p.m. it sucks but y'know... But, I used Sharpie especially for the whiskers because I care about them I guess... Okay, I'm done ranting for now. Remember: Stay Strong, Live On, And Power To The Local Dreamer.//
~Dan's POV~
Last night Phil and I got back home from Hawaii. I slept hard, especially since Phil fucked me hard. Phil made me feel like no one else could. I felt special with him. And no one ever makes me feel special, only bad. I woke up this morning, Phil's face towards mine. I smiled and kissed his lips, making sure not to wake him. I slipped out of bed grabbing my phone and heading to the bathroom. Yep, Phil did give me hickeys and I bet I gave him some in return. I checked the clock: 6:47 p.m. Wow, we we're tired. I keep thinking about how Phil surprised me with Hawaii. I'm still in shock. How will I ever return something like that? If Phil wanted anything and I mean anything, he can have whatever he wants. I walked back to my room to grab a sweatshirt but I spot Phil sat up on the side of my bed rubbing his neck.
"Hey sexy." I said, smiling. "Did I wake you?"
"No." Phil said. "But you gave me a shitload of hickeys again." He laughed making me laugh. "Uh, hey Dan?" He asks.
"Yeah?" I say pulling the navy blue sweatshirt over my head.
"Can I ask you something?" He says.
"Of course Phil! That's the point of marriage, being there when the most important person in the world needs help your there to help them." I say sitting down beside of him.
"Alright..." Phil said taking in deep breaths. "Do you ever want to have family?" Phil says.
"Yeah, I always imagined being the perfect father." I said kissing his forehead.
"Well... I don't know how to say this..." Phil says, turning red in the face.
"Just tell me Phil." I say rubbing his back.
"Okay." Phil took in deep breaths. "Dan," I looked at him in reassurance. "I want kids."

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