Chapter 41

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~Phil's POV~

"What are we going to do?" Dan asked me, scared that we sky rocketed down financially.
"We're going to be okay Dan." I say, taking him into a hug.
"I'm tired of everything being wrong and messed up. For once can something go right?" Dan asks, begining to cry into my shoulder.
"Well," I say, begining to put my fingers through his hair. "We have two beautiful children that love us so much, we have a stable home and our marriage is amazing." Dan looked up at me with a smile.
"No matter the situation you can always make me smile." I kissed Dan's lips, not wanting to let go.
"Daddys?" Elinna walks into our room, rubbing her eyes making us stop kissing quickly. "Can we make a YouTube video?" Dan laughs at how cute she is.
"Ha, your so cute." Dan takes her into a loving hug. "A video can take hours to make with all of the editing and stuff... So, do you wanna do a liveshow instead?"
"What's a liveshow?" Elinna asks, tilting her head in confusion.
"Its like a YouTube video but its live and you can talk to people as soon as they say something and you don't need to edit it." Dan says unplugging the MacBook.
"Yeah!" Elinna says, jumping up and down causing her brushed, naturally curly hair to bounce up and down. I turned on the MacBook and set up the liveshow, finishing off with a Tweet to let the world know that we are livestreaming.
"Look Elinna." Dan says, Elinna on his lap and pointing to the number of viewers on the livestream.
"All those people are here to see you!"
"Wow!" Elinna says, closing in on the camera. "Really?"
"Yeah!" I say, placing a kiss on her forehead. "They're gonna love you and Brendon." And on cue as soon as I said 'Brendon,' Brendon happens to wake up. "I'll go grab him." I say jogging to the kid's room. Brendon was crying, the little wrinkles from scrunching his eyes were cute in a way. "It's okay," I say holding him upright close to my chest, bouncing my body up and down in a calming way. "Shhhh​," I calm Brendon down and he looks at me with a smile, I can see he contains a universe in his eyes just like Dan has is own that takes me on a adventure. "Ready to go talk to people through a screen with Daddy and Elinna?" I ask him. Brendon laughs at me. "Y'know, that's how I met your father." I say, changing his dipper.
"Presenting: Baby Brendon!" I say in a royal way.
"Hello little Beebo!" Dan says taking Brendon before kissing my lips quickly. "Say hello world!" Dan says as he makes Brendon wave.
"Hello internet!" Elinna say, making me burst out laughing and making Dan look shocked just like when I do something stupid and shocking in a gaming video.
"Hey guys?" Dan asks.
"Yeah, daddy?" Elinna asks.
"Yeah. What daddy?" I ask, making Dan burst out with laughter.
"Oh, no you did not Philip Michael Lester!" Dan teases.
"Oh, yes I actually did Daniel James Howell!" I say snapping my fingers three times in a sassy way.
"I love you three." Dan says ruffling my hair and kissing Brendon and Elinna on their heads.
"We love you too."
//A/N: Salutations guys! Sorry if this sucks and makes no sense but I'm writing this at 1:36 a.m. so gimme a break. Also a few things: 1) I watched "50 First Dates" with Adam Sandler in it and its now my second favorite movie 9 out of 10 stars. 2) Todays my mum's birthday... Not so important but still. 3) I get my 2 baby teeth pulled out today at 3:00 p.m. so that'll hurt so much. And 4) I might take a break from writing for a while. After All it sucks and no one likes it. Remember: Stay Strong, Live On, And Power To The Local Dreamer.//

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