Chapter 37

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~Phil's POV~

I woke up this morning for the first time not having Dan holding my torso or me holding his, I was holding Brendon on my chest and he was snuggling close to Elinna. Everyone was fast asleep until Elinna opened her eyes.
"Morning sunshine." I whispered, smiling at my daughter.
"Good morning daddy." She smiled back, looking up at Dan, his mouth hanging wide open.
"You wanna go get some breakfast?" I asked again in a whisper. Elinna shook her head 'yes.' I held Brendon in my arms as I let Elinna get out of bed. I carefully placed Brendon in the place Elinna had been sleeping right in Dan's nook of his arm.
"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked, holding Elinna's hand while walking to the kitchen.
"Do you have cereal?" She asked looking up at me as if I was a giant.
"Do we?" I said looking down at her. "Daddy and I love cereal. Sometimes when I run out of my own cereal I eat some of daddy's." Elinna laughed. "Don't tell him that though okay? It'll be our little secret." I said entering the kitchen and opening the cabniets.
"Okay, shh." Elinna says, putting a hushing finger to her lips.
"Alright, Elinna. We have Lucky Charms, Frosted Flakes, Coco Puffs, Captain Crunch and if you really want a healthy cereal we have Cheerios and Raisin Nut Bran." I say showing her the cabinet.
"Lucky Charms please, because there 'Magically Delicious!'" Elinna says taking a seat at the table. I pour her a bowl of cereal and making myself one in the process.
"What do you want to do today?" I asked.
"This might sound really boring and grown up-ish but," Elinna said, pulling out the spoon from her mouth. "Can me and Brendon get to know you and daddy?" I smiled at her request.
"Yeah, of course! I'd love that!" I said smiling. "But we gotta wait til daddy's up. He was really tired last night."
"Okay," Elinna said trying to sound like a grown up.

//A/N: Salutations Muggles, Smolbeans and fellow phandom trash! I just wanna say... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 300 READS!!! OH MY JOSH! THANK YEE. Remember: Stay Strong, Live On, And Power To The Local Dreamer.//

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