Chapter 18

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~Dan's POV~
Me and Phil caught up on things for hours. He mostly just talked about how people were worried about me and if I was okay, and how he just sat in our apartment for a month doing nothing. I told him how much I missed him acting normal and how I'm glad he's back to his old self.
"Ugh, its already 11:54 p.m." Phil said yawning looking at his phone in his hand.
"Yeah, we better get to bed." I said yawning as well.
Phil and I walked down our hallway until we got to my room. I held my hands on the door frame and looked at him.
"Goodnight Phil, I love you. I'll see you in the morning."
"What do you mean? I'm gonna sleep with you" Phil said face turning red. "If you're okay with that."
I shook my head 'yes' smiling and allowing him to walk into my room. I took off my shirt and my pants leaving my boxers on, Phil did the same thing. I slid into bed allowing room for Phil to be by my side. Phil put his soft, delicate arn around my waist; it fit perfectly.
"I wouldn't." Phil said out of no where.
"Huh?" I asked laughing a bit. "What do you mean?"
"If I love you was a promise, would you break it if you're honest?"
I smiled by the fact that Phil remembered that question that I've asked him so many times.
"I wouldn't either." I spoke.
Phil tightened his grip around me, not a uncomfortable grip though. A securing grip.
"I love you." I spoke.
"I love you too."
//A/N: HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY DANIEL HOWELL!!! Wow, 27. I'm so proud!!! Got them mom feels

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