Chapter 62

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~Dan's POV~

I banged my fists against my door alarming Phil that someone was at the door.
"Hello sweetie!" I smiled as I greeted Phil.
"Oh, hi Dan." Phil sighed.
"What's wrong honey?" I ask, intruding through the door.
"I feel like a disgrace to you and the kids." Phil put his hands over his face as he leaned against the wall in the lounge.
"Honey," I grab his shoulder. "Why would you feel that way?"
"Well, I stay home all day and pretty much do nothing. I don't have a job I'm just pretty much a fat ass -"
"Philip Michael Lester!" I shout. "Never! I repeat never call yourself a fat ass." I pound into Phil's head. "You are valid and the kids and I love you. You are the most important person in this family Phil. Do you understand?" I stare Phil in his roaring blue eyes, they always make me drown no matter what situation we're in.
"You always make me feel, better don't you?" I grasp Phil's hand and run to our bedroom not checking if the kids we're up or not. I slam the door shut and throw Phil onto the bed, quickly taking off my white suit shirt.
"Dan, wha-!" I silence Phil quickly pressing my lips against Phil's. Everytime I kiss Phil it feels like the heavens open up just for us, the stars and moon shine brighter, everything feels alright. The world feels better, life seems tolerable when I kiss Phil. I gripped my cold hands around Phil's bare, heated waist. I desperately pressed my lips to Phil's, my heart (Lets get these teen hearts) beating faster as we kissed harder and more passionate. Phil moved his fingers up slowly towards my hair, tangling his fingers in my hair. Exchanging body heat with him was the best feeling. Phil willingly pulled me onto the bed, getting on my chest, his tongue was soft and his breath was hot making me want him more.
"Dan!" Phil released my lips from his. "Wow!" I smile at Phil's reaction.
"I love you Phil." I whisper, getting closer to his lips, I could feel his hot breath of my lips and how fast he was breathing. "That's why I do this." I wrapped my fingers in his hair as I urgently take off my pants and slide under the covers with Phil.
"I love you Dan." Phil whispers before kissing me softly.

//A/N: Salutations frens! So if you like Dan and Phil kissing ect. There you go I tried my best. While I wrote the heated parts of this chapter I listened to: Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off and But It's Better If You Do by Panic! At The Disco so that helped XD I think its super cute and funny that Brendon sang and wrote the lyrics from Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off when he was 19 XD I'm laughing so hard right now because I knew he was young when he wrote it but I didn't think he was 19! And its 2:37 a.m. as I'm writing this so yeah... Not supposed to be up... TØP RELEASES A SONG TOMORROW AT 8 A.M. CAN'T WAIT. I also just finished "Dan and Phil Quotes That Make Me Question My Existence" by @Emophaniplier and it was amazing you should read it! I guess that's it frens... Remember: "Stay Strong, Live On, And Power To The Local Dreamer."//

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