Chapter 66

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~Dan's POV~

I slam the door behind me as Phil and I enter our once again empty apartment. I look at the colorful blocks next to my boots right by the door, remembering that I forgot to grab them for Brendon. I grab Phil into a needed hug for the both of us. Phil stands emotionless as I wrap him into a hug.
"Phil?" I look up, tears rolling down my red cheeks. "I'm so so sorry." I plead. Phil looks down at me but, not responding. I look at the clock behind us seeing that its already 9:45 p.m.
"Lets just go to bed Phil." I suggest, wiping my tears on my arms.
I pass the kid's old room trying not to glance at the made memories from the past six weeks. I drag Phil into the dark room, shutting the door behind us. Phil begins to pace back and forth.
"Dan, what's the point anymore?" Phil murmurs, his tears catching up to his words. "I mean, we have nothing left." I walk over to Phil wrapping my arms around him.
"No Dan!" Phil pushes me back. "I'm done! I don't want to be here anymore!"
"Phil, its okay. We have to be strong." I comfort. "We'll get through this."
"Maybe you will Dan." Phil cries. "But, I for sure won't."
"Phil?" My heart beats faster. "What do you mean?" Phil looks up at me. I see his emotionless eyes and how they've lost their glow, his skin paler than freshly fallen snow in December. Phil was not okay.
"Dan," Phil whispers. "Please just kill me." I quickly wrap my arms around Phil.
"Fuck no Phil!" I cry. "We will get through this!" I argue. "Tomorrow will be better, we just have to get through the night."
"But, what about tomorrow night?" Phil questions. "The night always brings demons and not everyone survives their demons... I know for a fact I won't beat mine."
"Phil." I grab his face. "You will beat them. I promise. We just have to remember the morning is when night is dead and the sun cannot hide forever."
"But, what about the night? Wouldn't that mean during the night that means morning is dead? And, the moon cannot hide forever either." Phil argues. I hold Phil in my arms wanting to protect him from death, before Phil lets go of my grip.
"Phil?" I ask. "Where are you going?" Phil walks over to the dresser and shuffles through his pants and pulls out a gun, Phil grabs the gun and places it into my clammy palms.
"Dan." Phil sighs. "I want you to end this."
"Phil! No! Never!" I argue.
"Dan, it will not get better and if I die it will be better for the both of us! Please Dan..." Phil begs, his eyes wallowing with tears. "If you love me let me go..."

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