Chapter 59

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~Phil's POV~
"I got the job!" Dan yells, his arms in the air.
"That's amazing Dan!" I wrapped my skinny pale arms around Dan's neck.
"What happened Pooh?" Elinna questioned, running to us.
"Pooh just got a job sweetie!" He explains.
"Yay!" Elinna shrikes, coming in for a hug. I bent down to her level wrapping my arms around her back.
"Where's Brendon?" Dan asked.
"Sleeping, but I guarantee he's up now." I giggled.
"C'mon daddy! Lets go see Brendon!" Elinna whined, tugging my arm forcefully.
We entered the childrens dim room to see that Brendon was standing up against his crib all by himself.
"Hey Beebo!" Dan called.
"Aww, look at our little man, standing up against his crib all by himself!" I cheered. Brendon smiled at us, Brendon hardly ever whined except for when he needed something.
"C'mon lets go show Pooh what I cooked for us." I said, picking up Brendon.
We all walked into the kitchen quickly with giddy excitement to see Dan's reaction.
"Woah," Dan said, frozen in his steps.
"Surprise!" Elinna and I yelled. I had a gigantic turkey on the table with mac and cheese, potatoes, shrimp and other extravagant foods for Dan's special dinner.
"Phil, did you cook all of this just for me?" Dan mumbled.
"Of course Dan!" I reassured.
We all sat down to a delightful meal and afterwards we all watched Winnie The Pooh as a family. I feel like a successful father. Hopefully things will never change.
//A/N: Salutations frens! Sorry for the shitty filler chapter. I can't wait to finish this story!!! There's probably gonna be 8 chapters left... Remember: "Stay Strong, Live On, And Power To The Local Dreamer."//

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