Chapter 39

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~Phil's POV~

"Why don't I have a mommy?" Elinna asked Dan and I.
"Umm, well..." I began, Dan grabbed my hand for support. It made me feel better. "Well, me and daddy are what you call gay, and its not a bad thing. But, gay means that if your a boy and you only like boys you are called gay. Its hard to explain this stuff to you because your so young so I'm trying my best. You know how you see a girl and a guy together? That's called straight and straight is a sexuality, just like gay is. But, there's all kinds of different sexuality's like: Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Asexual and others. There's this thing called LGBTQ+ Which means: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning. Questioning means that you don't really know what kind of people you like, and it takes a lot of time. The + stands for other sexuality's that aren't straight like Asexual. I am a boy and daddy is a boy and boys can't have kids together, and your to young to know how that works so we'll tell you when your older. But, me and daddy loved each other so much that we wanted kids. So, we went to this building where you could adopt kids. Which means that you can give them a home and they will be your kid. We spoke with a lady and a month later we got you and Brendon because you two were put up for adoption." I took a deep breath.
"Elinna, I'm not gay," Dan said. "I'm Bisexual which means I like both girls and guys. So that means I'm half gay. Daddy is all the way gay."
"That's cool!" Elinna says taking us both in for a hug.
"I'm glad you think so." I say kissing the top of her head. "Not everyone likes gay and LGBTQ+ people."
"If someone doesn't like gay people or LGBQ people what do they do to them?" Elinna asks.
"I'll explain this one." Dan says as he looks at me putting his hand out. "Elinna, people do very mean things when they don't like something. If people don't like or support LGBT+ their called Homophobic. And Homophobics are sometimes very mean to gay people. They try to hurt them or they won't let you shop in their stores or even go to their schools."
"That's terrible!" Elinna yelled.
"I know," Dan says, Elinna on his knee. "And I'm going to tell you something very serious okay?" Dan says looking at me sadly. "That place you were at almost didn't let us adopt you because we're gay."
"Well I'm glad you did adopt me and Brendon because you are the best daddys in the world." She kissed Dan's cheek.
"Me too." I chime in, they both smile at me. Brendon in my arms fast asleep.
"Do you want me to lay him down?" Dan asks with open arms.
"Please?" Dan walks Brendon to his crib. Elinna jumps onto my knee. "And people hold parades for LGBTQ+ people that are full of supporters and people that are gay, bisexual, lesbian and the other sexuality's. And they have a full month for LGBTQ+ people called 'Pride Month' and the month is June, which that is the month that daddy was born in."
"That's really cool!" Elinna says cuddling up to me.
"I'm glad you think so." I say rubbing her head, and soon she falls asleep in my arms and my head up against her's sleeping soundly.
//A/N: Salutations, sorry this sucks but I'm writing this at 2:00 a.m. Remember: Stay Strong, Live On, And Power To The Local Dreamer.//

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