Chapter 28

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~Dan's POV~
I woke up to the sound of a roaring stop on the airstrip. I rubbed my eyes and glanced out of the window. We were finally in Hawaii.
"Phil!" I said, but stopping to see he was too asleep. "Phil?" I said in a whisper, waking him up peacefully. "We're in Hawaii now. We just landed on the airstrip." Phil yawned and smiled at me sleepily.

Phil and I exited our Uber car and arrived at our hotel called The Hamptons. The building looked like it had a fresh coat of white paint along with golden trim. The building was about eleven stories tall and every room had a balcony.
"Hey Dan, what about you go have a seat while I check in, yeah?" Phil said smiling.
I entered a room with elegant, red, velvet chairs. To the far right there was a marble fireplace and a magazine rack. I looked around the room in shock. This place was like a palace. I would have never thought about taking Phil and I here.
"Got the room card!" Phil shouted to me. "It's room 2034 on floor ten."

Phil swiped the card allowing us access into our room.
"Well, here it is." Phil said. "The room we'll be living in for the next two weeks."
"I'm still shocked you paid for all of this just for us to be happy." I blushed.
"Nothing will ever be good enough for you Dan, you're too special." Phil said making my face red and hot. When I first entered the room I was in the living room. In the bathroom was a jet whirlpool tub, in the kitchen was a marble island and a huge fridge with a sink, microwave and stove. In the living room was a love-seat style couch, a huge recliner and a twenty five inch TV. In the master bed room it had a king sized bed for Phil and I to share with a nightstand and a lamp on top of it and a digital clock that read: 11:23 P.M. There was a small TV on a dark wooded dresser, and also a bathroom that had a huge shower and a mirror. Phil and I unloaded our bags into the dressers and got changed into something more comfortable.

"Phil..." I called mischievously from the bathroom.
"Yes Dan?" Phil looked me up and down licking his lips. "Ohh," I was in a pair of black boxers, shirtless with a red rose in my mouth. I walked up to Phil, sitting on his lap and putting my legs behind him.
"You finished unpacking?" I questioned as I put my forehead against his.
"Unpacking can wait." I pressed my lips to Phil's, tangling my fingers in his sleek black hair. Phil moved his arms to my waist holding me in place, his tongue rubbing against my bottom lip in a playful manner. I pressed my teeth onto his bottom lip sucking on his tender lip.

"Turned on yet?" I ask removing my lips from his for a moment.
"I dunno..." Phil said sarcastically, his eyes dilated from my assault. I moved my lips to his neck and pressing down not being carful of leaving a mark. Phil moaned as he lowered his hands down to my underwear sending a message.
"Does Mr. Lester want to get somewhere else?" I whispered making him blush.
"Maybe," Phil raised an eyebrow as I got off of him for a moment allowing him to take off his shirt and pants. I jumped on him sending him laying on his back as I pressed my lips to his needing him. As I moved me and Phil's crotches brushed against each other, fueling our needs for each other. As Phil got up I followed him quickly, his lips releasing from mine as he bent down on his knees and gripped the rim of my underwear.
"Can I take these off?" He questioned me, my cheeks heating up as I shook my head in response. I felt Phil's heated fingers on my skin as he took my last article of clothing off revealing to him my man hood. Phil gasped at the sight and looked at me smiling. Phil lingered around my base getting used to the feel of it plotting his first assault. Phil licked around the rim of me, my head flipping up in satisfaction. Phil continued putting me in him as he continued, I just moaned silently. Softly, I pushed in and out as my cock was fully in his mouth. I moaned as Phil assaulted.

"Phil" I moaned softly. "Just fuck me." Phil's cheeks heated up bright pink.
"A-Are you sure Dan?" He asked, I could feel his hot breath on my lips.
"Yes." Phil got up and flipped me to my stomach on the bed straddling me.
"Are you ready?" Phil asked me, knowing I've never had this done. I shook my head letting him begin. Phil pressed his manley friend into me, pushing in and out slowly cautious of my pain. I released a loud moan catching Phil's attention.
"Are you okay Dan?" Phil questioned."
"Yes," I breathed out wanting him to continue. Phil began again slowly in and out speeding up a bit making a louder moan.
"Harder!" I gasped. Phil sped up the pace, his hips grinding with mine in a adoring rhythm. "Daddy!" I moaned loud not realizing the name I called him. As Phil slowed his rhythm allowing my breath to catch up to me he laid next to me watching me in awe. I intertwined my legs with his while breathing in a steady beat never wanting this moment to end.

//A/N: Salutations guys! I rewrote this chapter cause it was cringy and it still is but, I read more fan fic like this so this is as good as it will get. Remember: "Stay Strong, Live On, And Power To The Local Dreamer."//

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