Chapter 34

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//A/N: Hey guys! Hopefully you like the story so far and I just want to recommend you someone that you should follow and read her stories. Her user is: @sad_lil_plant go follow her :) Remember: Stay Strong, Live On, And Power To The Local Dreamer.//

~Phil's POV~

February 23

Today is the day Dan and I finally get to meet our children.
"Remember the important piece of paper?" Dan asked me as we walked into the building from the frigid rain.
"Yep! It's in my pocket." I told Dan as he picked up my hand and kissed it.
"Hello! Oh, its you two." The lady at the front desk said.
"Yep, its us two and we're here to adopt our children." Dan said holding in a laugh as he looked at me.
"Wow, I'm surprised that they let you too have kids." She said rolling her eyes. "Where's your paper work?" I slammed the paper work in her hands and watched her scan it over.
"Okay. Louise!" She yelled.
"Yes Dorris?" Louise said, with her answer telling us the desk lady her proper name.
"Give these two their kids."
"Oh! Please follow me!" Louise smiled signaling us to follow her. "Please wait right here." She said, walking away.
"So today is the day." Dan smiled at me, gitty with excitement. "How do you feel?"
"Somewhere between nervous and happy and scared." I replied.
"Its okay Phil, you will be a amazing dad. After All, your amazing Phil." I laughed at Dan's cheesy pun. Yeah, he's right. We'll be okay. We have their room ready and everything. Just at that moment a pit in my stomach grew.
"Dan!" I yelled grabbing his shoulders. "What should their last name be?" Dan's smile faded.
"Should we combine our last names together?" I suggested.
"Yeah, that would be best." Dan shook his head smiling. "The kids last names will be Howelter." Dan smiled.
"I'm back!" Louise said as she opened the door.
"Great! But, where's our children?" Dan asked.
"Their just doing a few things, they'll be in here shortly." Louise says. "But, there's just one more step," Louise says ceasing our celebrations mentally. "What will be the children's last names?" Louise asked as she grabbed a form and a blue ink pen.
"Howelter." I said. "H-O-W-E-L-T-E-R." Dan spelled out.
There was a loud knock at the door.
"Hello?" Louise says answering the door. "Ah! Yes! Thank you!" Louise says before turning around to us. "Dan? Phil?" Louise says smiling. "Meet your new kids."

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