Chapter 33

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//A/N: Salutations frens! Alright so in America I understand how adopting children works and CPS and social workers and stuff like that because I've had a situation like that happen in my family but, I'm unsure what it's like in the UK, so please comment what it's really like so it can improve my writing like this. Remember: Stay Strong, Live On, And Power To The Local Dreamer.//

~Dan's POV~

2 weeks later

Phil and I walked to the building where we would get the children we've always dreamed of. Phil and I both wore slick, black suits to show a good image to the social workers.
"Hello, how may I help you?" the lady at the front desk asked. She had dark grey hair and blue glasses, she also wore a pink and whit blouse with flowers on it.
"Hi, me and my husband would like to adopt some children." I spoke, my voice cracking a few times. The lady looked back at Phil with a disgusted look.
"Ah yes, hmm." She spoke. "Here's some paper work you and your husband need to fill out."
"Mr. Daniel Howell and Mr. Philip Lester?" The lady called from a door forty-five minutes after we handed back our forms. "Hello, I'm Louise and I'll be meeting with you today." Phil and I both shook her hand. Louise was a bit shorter than was and a bit on the chubby side. She had blonde hair, the shade that Trinity had and light blue eyes, the top teeth had a gap right in the middle of them. She had a purple dress on with pearl earrings. Louise led us into a small room that had a desk and two chairs.
"I understand you too would like to adopt children." Louise said smiling. "There's just one concern..." She said her smile fading away. "We don't really like gay couples adopting our children."
"In my opinion," Phil said about to defend our rights. "It doesn't really matter if the children live in a gay residence with gay parents because having parents is better than having no parents and staying here until they're adults."
"I understand sir, but-" Phil cut Louise off.
"Who's right is it to really say that we can't have kids? Hmm? It shouldn't matter if a married couple is gay and wants to have kids, they should be allowed to adopt them." I squeezed Phil's hand to get his attention, when he looked at me I smiled at him making him calm down.
"Yes sir, I understand you feel very strongly for your rights to have children but, I don't think your eligible to have them." Louise said looking down at her hands.
I can't believe it. This lady just said we can not have children just because we're gay? I looked at Phil; his eyes we're watering. Silently tears rolled down his cheeks. Now, it was my turn to step in.
"You have no right to say that to me and my husband." I said looking her right in the eye. Phil squeezed my hand in reassurance to keep going. "What's wrong with giving kids to a gay couple? Its not like be gay is a disease. They'll still get the same kind of love as a straight couple would give the child." My mouth just ran on and on until my face turned red and I took and deep breath of air. Louise looked shocked at me.
"Okay," she finally said. "You may adopt children." Louise handed us a piece of paper. "On February 23, you may come and retrieve your children. Just hand the lady at the front this piece of paper on that date. Until then Mr. Howell and Mr. Lester."

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