Chapter 14

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~Phil's POV~

"Daniel, No!"

Dan turned around with a mix of fear and shock on his face. I ran close to Dan, we were about four feet apart with Trinity behind me holding my arm. Dan was facing me and Trinity, I could see how scared he was.

"What are you doing here?" He asked his voice breaking.

"I'm here because I read your note and I don't want you to die." A silence was put upon us for moments making me stare at my feet.

"Phil?" Dan asked still not facing me. "Do you remember..." He stopped his voice breaking as he choked down a sob. "What I asked you nine months ago?" I looked up at him, he gave me a moment to speak but I denied to say anything. " 'If I love you was a promise, would you break it if you're honest?' " I didn't answer. I didn't want to make anything worse for the fact that my answer may lead to Daniel Howell's death. Dan looked down at London thinking in his mind, waiting for me to respond to his question. But, I did not answer. Dan turned and looked at me from over his shoulder. "Phil, I love you. Don't you mind?" Before I answered I wiped my eyes to cancel out the heartbreaking tears in my eyes that were about to fall.

"I do love you Dan but, I don't think it will ever be in that way." Dan turned his full body around facing both me and Trinity. He looked me right in the eyes, I could see his pale heartbroken face, his eyes had no emotion, they were just empty.

"Phil, please remember this..." I shook my head in order for him to keep talking. "A smile can hide anything." Dan spread his arms out, let go of his balance and fell. I ran to the edge of the building and saw Dan laying back towards the road with a car in front of him. Two people were around Dan doing nothing. I pulled up my phone and dialed '999' as I ran down the stairs. "Hello? My fren just committed suicide. Please send help immediately!"

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