Chapter 67

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~Phil's POV~

"If you love me let me go..." I request, seeing the hurt in Dan's teary eyes. Dan stares at me debating my fate, will he shoot me or will he leave me to do it myself? Dan shaking, raises the gun to my head, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. I spread my arms out and tilting my head up towards the ceiling just waiting for my fate.
"No Phil!" Dan sheiks, throwing the gun under the bed. "Your not leaving. I've been through this before and even though we are not happy at the moment I'm glad I'm alive today." I sighed at Dan's response and remembered how broken and the pit of agony I had when Dan attempted to commit suicide.
"Dan," I start. "Lets just go to sleep, yeah?"
Dan and I slipped under the icy sheets remembering the first night Elinna and Brendon came home and how they slept in our bed that night.
"Goodnight love." Dan kissed my cheek and wrapped his tan arm around my small waist, delaying myself from getting up. I moved Dan's arm slightly to see his reaction if I tried to move out of the bed.
"Phil? What're you doing?" Dan questioned me in a sleepy tone.
"I was just um, getting comfortable." I lied. Dan snuggled his head into his pillow before shutting his eyelids.

"Dan?" I whispered quietly, checking if he was up. Dan's eyes were hidden by his eyelids, his pink chapped lips parted a bit, his breathing in a steady beat making my body want to stay in bed with him. But, I did not snuggle in to him, I removed Dan's arm from my waist and placed it on the ruffled bedding where I was just laying. I kissed Dan's lips knowing this would be the last kiss I placed on him. Quietly shuttling the bathroom door behind me, I think of my suicide plan. I look to the cabinets and think of the razor that I left there yesterday. Praying its still there, I open the wooden drawer and sure enough my razor is there. I snatch the razor up into my cold clammy hands getting the courage to commit suicide. I study the razor and its form; the sharp blades within, the shiny metal that will soon make my wrists drenched it my oozing blood. I press the blades upon my pale wrists leaving blood oozing from my vains. The lost of ounces of blood begins to make me dizzy, I fall to the ground with a loud thump before closing my eyes seeing flash backs of my life.

//A/N: Salutations muggles! Yeah, so, I'm sorry that Phil died in this chapter. Please do not kill yourself because you are very important to this world and I promise it will get better even if you think it won't it will. And I'm always here to talk to. Remember: "Stay Strong, Live On, And Power To The Local Dreamer."//

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