Chapter 61

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~Dan's POV~

I exited the elevator and stepped into Ebony's office. Ebony was finishing up some paper work when I opened the wooden door.
"Hello Mrs. Shots." I say waving and smiling.
"Ah! Hello Dan!" Ebony replies in a startled tone.
"Well, I'm ready for my first job." I tell her, putting my hand on my hip.
"Alright, lets see... Where did I put that paper?" Ebony asks herself, tapping her chin. Ebony shuffles through mountains of stacks of paper work.
"Ah, here it is!" She lets out a sigh. "You are going to be helping a child with their mental health today. You'll pretty much be playing a therapist." I feel a huge pit in my stomach began to grow.
"What's wrong Dan?" Ebony asks, walking running over to me and putting her hand behind my back.
"Its just that..." I stuttered. "I'm nervous that I'll give the kid wrong advice and the kid could get worse and then even maybe die!" I practically was shouting now.
"Dan, its alright." Ebony comforted me. "Take in and exhale a couple of deep breaths Dan." She coached me. "Don't let your anxiety get the best of you, you will do great."
I sat down on the nearest chair, catching my breath and the courage to help someone.
"Alright, thank you." I tell Ebony.
"Your welcome." Ebony smiles at me. "Your job will be on the third floor today, go up to whoever is working at the desk and ask them for the folder labeled TD089 alright? That will give you all the information about the child."
"Okay, thank you." I say, exiting the room.

I hop off of the deserted elevator and walk up to the desk nice and tall.
"Oh well look who it is!" Calls a familiar voice.
"Oh, hey Troye!" I call back, waving at him. "I thought you only worked the front desk?" I questioned
"Everyday I switch different floors, I get a new atmosphere everyday." Troye explained. "Which means I get a chance to see you more often." Troye blushed, his eyelids covered his mysterious blue eyes and his curly-ish blonde hair stayed in place.
"Well, I need a folder from you." I ask, getting back to business. "I think its labeled TD089." Troye opened a birch colored file cabinet and flipped through the sections until he found the right folder.
"Here you go love." Troye tells me in a flirtatious way as he hands me the folder. I see on his wrist he has a tattoo​ of a pink flower, the flower had leafs from the stem around it and at the top of the flower read the word bloom in purple font.
"Thank you, Troye." I smile at him.
"Yep! Have a good first day, I know you'll do great." Troye winked at me as I walked away.
I glanced at the cover of the purple folder. The cover said: TD089, Room 134.
I walked to the room and swiped my employee card to get in. The beige room had a dark wooden book shelf that held thick books about being happy and ways things to do instead of self harm. There was a white chaise lounge and across from it was my chair. The chair looked like a editors chair or a gaming chair. The seat was practically made of brown leather cushion. I fell into the chair and read the document.

Name: Braylinn Young

Birthdate: November 3rd, 2004

Age: 13

Height: 5'4

Weight: 113 pounds.

Location: Manchester, England.

Description: Has eating disorder, self harms, suicidal, has attempted suicide more than three times, has panic attacks frequently, has terrible anxiety, abused by her step-dad, has a irregular sleep schedule and is bullied for fitting in the emo category and for being bisexual.

I close the the folder that holds relatable content as I hear a sharp knock on the door.
"Come in!" I call to the person behind the door. The door opens and I see the first person I'll ever help.
"Braylinn, this is Dan." A short women explains to her. "He's here to help you, just take a seat." The woman explains to Braylinn before exiting the room.
"Hello Braylinn." I introduce myself, offering a handshake.
"Hmph" Braylinn falls into the couch with her eyes fixed on the floor and her arms crossed. Braylinn had short blonde pixie​ hair, but the roots of her hair where Black. She had emerald green eyes and she had a slight northern accent. Braylinn wore a black wired choker that had a few red gems on it, she wore black converse, ripped blue skinny jeans and a My Chemical Romance shirt.
"Well, I'm here to help you Braylinn," I began. "Where would you like to start at?" Braylinn did not respond. I looked at her wrists, how damaged they were. It made me sad that someone else other than me was suffering and not receiving the right care.
"Braylinn, I know what your going through." I started.
"Are you sure about that? Cause, you seem fine to me." Braylinn snapped at me.
"I know that's always a excuse to get someone to talk, when I was younger people said the same things to me." Braylinn looked up at me. "When I was around your age I was doing nothing to anybody but yet I got rocks thrown at me while I was wearing a My Chemical Romance shirt."
"Aww, I'm sorry." Braylinn looked at me with sympathy.
"The thing is, its not you that's wrong or the shirt or the band its just the people in this world. People think that just because someone is wearing a dark colored shirt that may look odd that its okay to disrespect the person that's wearing it... but its not okay." Braylinn sat up and uncrossed her arms. "I was bullied at school a lot too. I didn't know how to help myself get rid of bully's so they just kept bullying me. Soon, I got depression and then I got terrible anxiety. Soon later I felt like I had something wrong with me so then I began to put myself through pain like a eating disorder and cutting my self. Not so much later I tried to commit suicide but I failed... and I'm glad I did. Now, I am married to the most amazing man ever and have two kids. Braylinn, I'm going to tell you this and its the truth: Suicide does not end the chances of life getting worse, suicide eliminates the possibility of it ever getting better." Braylinn smiled at me.
"I have trust issues so its hard to therapy. I'm sorry Dan." Braylinn explained.
"Its okay, just tell me what you feel comfortable with." I reassured her. Braylinn opened her mouth and began to let me help her.

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