Chapter 21

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~Dan's POV~

2 weeks later

I was standing at the end of the isle in the London Clock Tower waiting for Phil to walk to me allowing us to finally be married. I looked down onto my black suit. I wore a white tie and silver cufflinks, my shoes were black as well. I looked into the seats. Tyler Oakley was sitting in the front row to my right. He was giving me a cheesy smile and a thumbs up. The only people who didn't show up was me and Phil's parents. All four of them frowned upon gay marriage. I was never close with my parents anyway so this was normal; Phil though? He was kind of sad his parents didn't come. Especially his mum, he loved her more than anything. Everyone rose from their seats meaning Phil was coming. When Phil stepped into view a man turned on a CD. I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic! At The Disco began to play. I looked at Tyler; he was open mouth smiling and dancing. I laughed and looked back at Phil. He walked down almost tripping about three times. He made it to me without actually tripping and I was proud of him for that. Phil gazed upon my eyes as I did as well. I was no longer drowning in his eyes, I was floating safely in them. Phil wore the white tuxedo with a black bowtie, black loafers and golden cufflinks.
The priest began to speak. He had gray hair that began to bald and a white robe.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Daniel Howell and Phillip Lester. They both have written their own vows. Daniel, you may begin." Everybody looked at me, I began to sweat and get nervous when Phil mouthed to me: "It's okay, you got this." I took a deep breath.

"Phillip Michael Lester, ever since I first saw you on the internet I thought you were perfect and I would love you for eternity. I always have loved you and you always were my friend. Not friend spelled like 'F - R - I - E - N - D' No, but spelled 'F - R - E - N' because in the word friend there is the word 'end.' But, in the word fren there is no end, and I never want us to end. I love you Phil, we've went through tough times but we're both standing here together. And that, makes you my soulmate."
Phil had tears in his eyes, and so did I.

"Daniel James Howell, you were always my soulmate and I knew this. I've dreamt about you before, before I even knew you existed and you were real. I love you, and this will be a love that will never end."
Tears rolled down our cheeks, we were smiling holding each other's warm hands.
"And without further a due, I now pronounce you husband, and husband. You may now kiss the groom."
I tossed my self into Phil giving him the most passionate kiss I could. Tyler was screaming and whistling out of how happy he was for us.

We walked to where the cake was. The cake had five layers which I thought wasn't enough. The cake was blue with white little icing marks. On top was two men holding hands kissing with a pride flag behind them. Phil cut into the cake and before he could get a chance I swiftly put icing on his nose. I laughed enjoying my victory when he struck back. He was now enjoying his victory. We sat down and ate cake, we both had red wine along with it. We held hands together knowing this will moment will always be remembered.

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