Chapter 8

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(A/N: Hey! Thank you guys so much for reading! The girl in the picture is Phil's girlfriend Trinity by the way)

~Phil's POV~

This morning I woke up with my arm wrapped around Trinity's waist. She was so beautiful, her soft delicate cheeks were breathing soundly. I feel like I have finally found true love, and she is it. I rubbed her back for a minute and kissed her cheek. She gave me a small smile in her sleep. I got up not bothering to change out of my Buffy shirt and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles sleep pants. I stretched my arms in the air, touching my door frame with my fingers. I walked across the hall to Dan's room and peeked in on him. He was sleeping as well. I could see his collar bones sticking out. I closed the door carefully and walked to the lounge to start another Stranger Things episode. Seconds later Dan walks into the room wearing his Yeezus shirt, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Good morning," I said not taking my eyes off the screen. "Mornin'" Dan replied taking a seat by me. "Where's Trinity?" He asked. "She's sleeping." "Oh." There was silence for a while. "Why do you love Trinity?" Dan ask's breaking the silence looking at me. "I love Trinity because she makes me feel complete," I said. "How?" I looked up at the ceiling. "She brings out the best in me. She makes me happy. I feel like I'm needed in life." Dan shook his head and looked down at the floor. Trinity stumbled into the lounge in her 1960's Detroit Red Wings jersey that went down to her knees and her hair in a bun on the top of her head. "Good Morning honey!" She said in a cheery voice putting her arms in the air smiling. Dan got up and walked past her to his room. "Wonder whats wrong with him," Trinity said as she said taking a seat next to Phil resting her head on his shoulder. "Can we watch Fifty Shades Of Grey?" Trinity asked. "Um, I don't think that's appropriate," I told her smiling. "Philip, we're not five years old." She gave me a serious look staring at me. "Oops! I blinked I guess you win." She touched my nose with her delicate finger. "You're so cute." I smiled putting my lips next to hers. She smiled putting her forehead on my forehead. "I love you." "I love you too." I stared into her eyes. I could see the rest of my life in her eyes... and it was me spending it with her.

(A/N: Sorry it's a shorter chapter... someone wanted me to update... I'll make sure to update again soon )

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