Chapter 10

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~Phil's POV~

It was a silent night in London. The snow was falling and December came, it nearly was December 1st. It has been almost a year since I met Trinity. We snuggled on the couch, sharing a navy blue blanket. It was a blanket Dan got me for my 30th birthday. I and Trinity watched Fifty Shades Of Grey together while Dan was sleeping; at least I think. In my opinion, I don't think that was a very good movie... but Trinity liked it and it made her happy, so it made me happy.

When the credits rolled around Trinity stood up and stretched out her arms. I checked my phone: The clock read 11:20 P.M. (22:20 if you prefer the clock read that way.) "Come on Phil" She said smiling, using her finger to signal me to follow her. We went straight to our bedroom. I walked in first and sat down on our bed, looking back at Trinity. "I'll be right back." She said grabbing something in a small plastic bag. She ran down the hallway. I could see Dan's door was closed, I heard nothing but silence.

Trinity ran closing the door and standing up against it. Trinity was wearing a skimpy pink top with black lace and a golden heart charm in the middle. She ran to me and tackled me making me fall onto my back. "Phil..." She said stroking my cheek softly. "Do you know whats coming up?" I smiled a toothy grin at her. "Our One-year anniversary of course." She shook her head 'yes' "Phil, I really love you," She began. "I want the rest of my life to be spent with you... And in order to do that, we need a stable home..." She said her body laying on mine. "How about it? Will you move into a home with me? It can still be in London?" I hesitated to answer. "I don't know," I began, I could see the heartbreak in her eyes. "I mean, I've been living with Dan for so long and he makes me happy -" But before I finished she put her soft lips to mine, shutting me up. I felt amazing, I kissed her with the feeling of berserk. She looked at me taking her needed lips from mine. "Can Dan do that for you?" She asked raising an eyebrow looking and sounding nonchalant. I pulled her closer not answering her question, making her follow through. I never wanted this moment to end. This is a highlight of my life. Maybe even better than when I met Dan.

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