Chapter 7

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~Dan's POV~

I no longer fear death because I've felt it. I met Trinity 9 months ago and I feel like I've died every time I saw her. I don't think Phil understands how it feels to have to cope with someone you hate more than ever. I mean, after all, she wants to take my Phil away from me. I woke up on my couch in the lounge. I've been sleeping on the couch lately. Trinity's been staying with us. I've talked to Phil about making her leave but he says that if she leaves, she'll want him to leave.

I got up and stretched my arms rubbing my eyes vigorously. I didn't hear a sound in our apartment. It was so peaceful. I looked at the clock; it was 10:23. Oh my god! I just remembered! We have to go to BBC Radio 1 today! I ran down to Phil's room and opened the door. Phil and Trinity were in bed together, most of their clothes on the floor. I felt disgusted, I almost puked. "Phil!" I clapped my hands loudly. 

"What?" Phil asked sleepily. 

"We have to go to BBC! We'll be late if you don't hurry up!" Phil jumped out of bed shirtless only in his underwear. He threw whatever he found first and ran out the door with me. We went down to the bathroom and quickly brushed our hair and teeth. When we were getting our coats on Trinity quickly followed wearing one of Phil's sweatshirts with wild blonde hair with a few hints on black. 

"By babe! See you later!" They kissed each other. I grabbed Phil's arm and ran down to the streets.

Our Uber driver was there and ready for us. 

"Go to BBC Radio 1, and hurry!" I yelled as we got in. 

"Please!" Phil added. It was quiet for the first six minutes. 

"What were you and Trinity doing when I went to bed?" I asked even though I knew the answer. 

"Oh, we came up with a ship name for us," Phil said. "Our ship name is Phinity!" I thought about what our followers came up for our ship name... it was Phan. I turned my head to look out my window. I saw happy couples walking down the roads with their children laughing happily not having a care in the world.

We arrived at BBC, and the parking lot was full. Our Uber driver dropped us off on the curb at the front of the building. "Thank you," Phil said as he handed our driver the money we owed him. We rushed in to see the receptionist. 

"Hi! We're here and not late at all!" I shouted meeting her at her desk. 

"Go! Go! You're on in Three Minutes!" She said pointing down the hallway where we needed to go. We burst into the studio and reviewed our notes. 

"What are we doing today?" I asked Phil. 

"Looks like we're doing a Christmas special." The on the air sign lit up and we began. "Hello everyone! Today is December 14, 2017, and welcome to The Dan and Phil Christmas special!" Phil said the most energetic way he could. 

"Today we're going to give some stocking stuffer ideas, gift ideas for your loved ones and how to react under the mistletoe." I slowed down at the last part starting to mumble.

"Ah, that was a pretty good show, Dan." I nodded my head as Phil smiled. Our Uber driver was ready for us when we got out into the freezing streets of London. "Take us to -" Phil said where our home was located along with my mind trailing off, I could see there was midday traffic. As soon as Phil was finished giving our location I started up a conversation I would soon regret. "How long will Trinity be staying?"Phil looked at me offended. "Whenever she wants to leave." He said. "I want it to just be me and you again, y'know? Remember Nine months ago?" I asked. "Usually when people date they spend a lot of time together because sometimes they end up getting married." I was shocked by that remark. "Phil, I like Trinity but," Phil looked at me above his glasses. "But, what?" I knew this would hurt him. "I want Trinity to leave." Phil almost slapped me across my face, I could see the look in his eyes. "Why?" He sounded like me when I was hurt. "I'm just afraid that you'll end up getting hurt. After all, she's been living with us for the past three months." I gave a reassuring look. "Dan," Phil said with a choking sound. "If Trinity leaves, I leave." I shot a dirty look at him. "Y'know Trinity's not the most perfect person in the world right?" Phil was horrified like if he couldn't watch Buffy The Vampire Slayer anymore. "Give me three reasons why." I laughed. "Okay" I stopped laughing. "One: She eats my cereal. Two: She's cruel to me. And Three: She's trying to take you away from me." "How is she cruel to you?" Phil asked. "She laughs at me when I'm awkward and I don't know what to say, she's deleted at least two of the video's I edited that took seven hours each, and she knows I like to be by you alone, that's why she's always with us!" Phil rolled his eyes. "Your just jealous of me and Trinity." Phil looked straight ahead. "How?" I questioned. Phil looked back at me like I was stupid. "You wish you were married to me or at least dating me. That's why you're rude to Trinity." I was disgusted, I couldn't take this anymore. I got out of the car and started to run to our apartment (I was a block away but it felt like four miles).

I ran up to our home and ran to Phil's bedroom where Trinity was, she was leaving for sure now. I was about to run in when I opened the door to the most heartbreaking thing in the world. Trinity was taking nudes. I closed the door. And heard another door slam. Phil was home, I ran to him. "Phil come quick! It's Trinity!" Phil ran with me and when I got to the door Trinity was coming out. "Oh, hi guys!" She waved. "Hi, she looks fine Dan." I hung my jaw open. "But she!" Trinity was "confused" "I was just laying in bed scrolling through my Instagram feed." I was shocked. "No, you weren't," I said in a reassuring voice. "Than what was she doing Dan?" Phil asked. I didn't want to tell him. "Phil, I am your best friend and would never want you to hurt in agony forever but," I almost started to cry for Phil. "She was taking nudes." Phil looked stunned. "No, she wasn't." He said. "Yes, she was" Trinity watched us fight, she seemed to be enjoying it. "It actually might be fun for her to watch two average height guys fight. Saying she's only Five foot Five!" Trinity gave a fake offended look. "Phil, check her phone!" I pointed to her phone. "Dan, there is no need! She is not a liar, and I trust her." Phil had a calm manner in his voice. I was shocked by how brainwashed she made him. "If you check they'll be there!" Phil rolled his eyes. "But I'm not going to check." Phil looked tired of arguing. I was too. "Fine," I said finally. "If you want to live with knowing that your girlfriend is sharing her body with other men that's fine with me." I walked into my room and slid down the back of my door. "Dan's just tired," Phil said. "I can tell he's mentally unstable. This is why you need to come live with me." I wanted to open the door and punch Trinity and throw her out and say: Well look what this metally unstable person has the capablebility of. But, I kept silent. I walked up to my table and sat there looking out the window about billions of things. But the one I was thinking of most was: When I hurt myself Phil said he hated to see me hurt, but now he sees me hurt and keeps the thing thats hurting me the most around.

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