Chapter 40

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~Dan's POV~

I lay Brendon down in his crib carefully making sure not to drop him. When I walk back into the lounge Phil and Elinna are sleeping making me smile at the sight. I grab the blue, fleece blanket next to me and drape it over both of their bodies. I placed a kiss on each of their foreheads before walking back to me and Phil's room. I snatch my phone and fall onto my bed, my back up against the pillows, one knee in the air and the other laying straight with my leg. I did the dance you do with your fingers before you text someone something but, I was deciding which app to get on. I settled on Twitter and began to write a Tweet.
"Hey guys! I think you should know that me and Phil adopted kids yesterday! A girl named Elinna and a baby boy named Brendon (I nicknamed him Beebo after Brendon Urie) Brendon is sleeping in his crib and Phil and Elinna fell asleep in the lounge together. Maybe we'll post a video later and do a live show..."
I sent the Tweet and before long thousands of notifications of likes and comments appeared in front of me. I moved along to YouTube to see me and Phil's last video about us married. I scrolled down through the comments, 50% happy and 50% negative things. Oh well, you can't please everyone. But, what shocked me the most was something on my channel, Phil's channel and on me and Phil's gaming channel. This couldn't wait til Phil got up, Phil had to know. I sped walked quickly and quietly to the lounge where I saw a peacefully sleeping Phil and a sound asleep Elinna.
"Phil?" I whispered harshly to wake him up. "Phil?"
"Hmph?" Phil said, looking around to see where I was.
"Come here, its important!" I said. Phil moved Elinna so she was laying flat on the couch.
"What's so important Dan?" Phil asked, yawning and stretching his arms in the hallway.
"This is." I say showing him my phone once he enters our room.
"Holy shit." Phil says, his jaw drops. danisnotonfire dropped to 3 million subscribers, AmazingPhil dropped to 1 million subscribers and our gaming channel only had 105 thousand subscribers.
"What are we going to do?"

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