Chapter 18 - Together for a day

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Sinagtala Grocery Store

Benji and Sinag had their lunch together but no one dares to start a conversation.  After Benji’s comment on Sinag’s favorite dish, he noticed Sinag’s silence and he chooses to just respect it.  In a way, he wanted her to feel that he is giving him that space.  He will wait until she is ready to comfortably talk to him again.

After lunch, they went back to sharing on room to work.  Sinag occupies the Tatay Teddy’s desk while Benji prefers to use the small round table at the corner of the room.  Their only conversation would only about work and nothing else.  For Benji it is better that way for now, at least Sunshine started to talk to him again despite her being uncomfortable of his presence.

In the meantime, Sinag is only in her third day of training and yet she finds this work overwhelming.  She could not help but admire Benji’s work ethics.  In only a few hours of sharing a room with him, she saw Benji’s commendable dedication to his work.  His RHC is properly managed despite lack of their head's physical presence.  The technologically definitely provided a big help but his authoritative and firm direction could not be denied even if he is on a video conference only. 

She also saw that Benji not only uses his mind in running the business but also his heart.  No wonder his people respected everything he said and decided.  This is actually the kind of work that she dreamt of before, managing her own business.  But it seems her fate is on different direction. 

“Have you read Beverly’s email?” Benji suddenly asked

“Yes” she briefly replied

“How did you find it?” Benji then asked

“I’m fine with it” she replied

“Are you not going to reply to it?” he asked

“Ok naman na eh, Beverly knows that I will call her if I find something inappropriate” he replied

“Don’t you think it is more convenient if you just reply to her email that the itinerary is fine with you?” Benji asked

“No need, that’s how Beverly and I works” Sunshine said

“But Beverly is not your only correspondence.  You see Sinag, in this business you don’t have a Beverly that will coordinate everything that you want as well as everything that you need.  Regardless if the email correspondence is a supplier or a client you still need to show professionalism in dealing with them.  I understand that you are not used to that kind of work activities but you have no choice but to begin changing your work habits, replying to Beverly’s email maybe a good start” Benji explained while Sunshine tinkers on her desktop.

“Email sent” Sunshine as she hits the enter key deliberately hard.  “Happy now?” she asked

“She has two emails. One was sent last night and the other about thirty minutes ago.  Have you replied to both emails?” Benji asked

“Pareho lang naman yung email nya, maybe she resend it because she thought I was not able to receive the first one” Sunshine said

“So both emails are fine with you?” Benji again asked

“Yes, I already replied na ok lang sa akin” Sunshine replied

“So ok lang sa iyo na hindi bumalik ng Paris after four weeks?” Benji said

“What??? No way, I have commitments next month hindi pwedeng hindi ako bumalik sa Paris” Sunshine said

“Obviously, you did not read the emails.  Beverly’s emails are not the same, the second one is the correction of the first email that she sent last night, she mentioned in the body of her email that your show for next month was cancelled and she is still waiting for the new schedule” Benji stated

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