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Benjiro and Teruo nodded. Teruo ran in front of the crew, leaving his much weaker blonde friend behind.

"What's the deal?" Satoko asked, her voice confused, but alas not panicked in the slightest.

"No time to explain, just follow me!" Teruo said, his intention and serious voice made it clear.

Ayase looked panicked as she looked at Benjiro, who seemed to be looking for something in his pockets in a very fidgety way. She wanted to come out and help him, but Teruo grabbed her hand, surprisingly gently. She looked down at the younger boy.

"He knows what he's going. Let's go!" He pulled her with him, making her feel light headed.

She still heard panicked noises around her, but she kept running and running. The low understanding of this situation made her feel trippy and dizzy, as if she was experiencing another wordly experience. She had such bad problems with concentrating.

She was scared and confused, but seeing Satoko running right next to her made her feel better. She would feel horrible if something would happen to her. She was the only one she deeply cared for, not counting Naoki.

She wondered about Benjrio. She wondered why he was left aside. She really hoped it wasn't some sort of self sacrifice. It wasn't worth it. It would be better if she was the sacrificed one. She let out a tear. She hated crying, but it seemed to be too easy to do it these days. She hoped the small blonde boy would be fine, even if he wasn't even close to being a boy.

What she didn't know is that he had this quite under control. Actually, not quite everything, but most of it.

He had problems with his pants, as he was not used to wearing baggy clothes. He was more of a skinny jeans guy. The pockets were too huge for his ditzy head to find immediately.

He found the golden key in a shape of a tree. He went to a very specific tree, a tree with the number one written in front of it. He put the lock inside a hole rhat didn't even look like a keyhole. A door opened, not very big, even he had to bend to get in it. But it wasn't the time for him to get in, it was the time to get others in it.

"Here! Here people!" His voice was heard, not light hearted as usual.

His voice was a bit passive, but loud enough to be heard and taken seriously. Some people had confusion with what was going on, but the older gang members helped out the newer ones. Only if they were nice, which was often not the case in this gang.

This was a little door, leading towards a very narrow cannal. The people would have to crawl quickly to get through it. The canal lead to outside the forest, in a nice clearing outside in the West side of town.

Benjiro saw them. The cops were there, capturing people as fast as they could. Benjiro gulped, pulling out his stun gun.

While he was weak on the outside, he had other advantages. He was quick, very easily stunning the cops who had a bunch of people captured. He took out his key, which he put in the lock on their hands. It fit perfectly, making them free.

The people who were let go thanked him, still not understanding how that key worked. He just told them what to do with a sweet little wave.

Benjiro was quite the rich guy, having a very good position in the gang as a tech guy. The reason why this gang was indeed feared was for their weapons. Weapons and technology. One of his best works was his key, which knew how to mimic non complex locks easily. If it wasn't for him and his intelligence, the gang wouldn't be half as good as it was now.

Benjiro gulped as he noticed that he didn't manage to free every one of the team members. He knew what that meant, and he really didn't like it. He stunned all the men he could. He was a really good shot, almost too good. He left one untouched because he was going far too close to the hidden door in the tree. If that even was a tree.

He didn't want Hiroji to kill off the poor men. He just went for it, going on the cop with all his might. The guy wasn't anywhere where he could be stealthy, so he had to use his force for this. Force which he lacked as much as strength.

The cop just pushed him to the floor, pointing a gun to his head. The man grinned as he saw who he was looking at.

"Well, if it isn't Seto Benjiro." The man was surprised.

Benjiro was quiet, feeling dumb he even tried to fight him. But he knew they wouldn't kill him. He just hoped he wouldn't ruin his family name.

"I wonder how the masses are gonna react when they figure out that the infamous Seto family is working on the anti shield rebellion. Such irony."

The Seto family was one of the most hated surnames in town. One of which is cause his father was the main scientist leading the shield experiment. The shiled which trapped the whole town in this wasteland.

Benjiro felt terrible. All of his father's work to protect the city turned out to be somewhat counter productive.

"Can't wait to bring you-" a gun shot was heard and the man fell down on the ground.

Benjiro felt a bit of terror and relief. He didn't mess up. It went according to plan.

Hiroji stood there, gun in hand with a blank face. His son, who looked much like him, had the same expression as well.

Benjiro felt thankful. Thankful that his calculation was right. If he let the man take the members without a fight, he knew Hiroji would make sure to kill off the members quietly. He really didn't want any more death. He just went for it, for he knew he wouldn't kill off his technology supply. They couldn't let the police capture one of the most useful members.

"Get up, Seto." Hiroji ordered, his hand throwing the gun to Naoki.

Naoki caught it and went to the other men who were now unconscious from the stun gun. He shot them in the head, knowing that he had to do that. Benjiro was terrified, but knew it was for the greater good. They shouldn't remember their members faces.

Benjiro instructed the left members to go out through that door and stayed with the two men in front of him.

"Thank you very much for saving my life, Setsuko-San." Benjiro said out of politeness.

"You're such a kiss up." Was the only thing he could muster as he punched Benjiro.

"Next time don't play the hero, rather let the weak ones die." Hiroji said as he walked towards him.

"Father, who do you think reported us to the police?" Naoki questioned as he subtly stepped between the two of them.

Benjiro was thankful as he stood up, knowing that the beating was over for today.

"I don't know Naoki. But I have a feeling The City Fighters are involved..." Hiroji mumbled to himself, getting deep in thought.

If it is them, he couldn't wait to kill off their annoying kiss up of a leader. He hated his guts. They'll ruin all of his progress if this continues. He'll get them back. Somehow...

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