Running Away

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"Mind explaining all of this?" Satoko sat across him, her legs in a lotus position.

"I... I can't." Shiro looked at her, desperation on his face. 

She got a confused, yet angry expression. She felt oddly betrayed. She said so many things about herself, yet he couldn't tell something as important as being half demon... At least she thought he was half demon. He always was a bit suspicious, to everyone and even her, but him being a demon sounded impossible. A demon couldn't be so tame, so civil, so... Human. She saw demons in first hand. They were nothing less than mindless animals, attacking anything in sight just to cause chaos. 

"What do you mean you can't? I explain everything to you, how could-" Her angry outburst was interrupted by him. 

"Please, listen to me, Satoko. It's not that I don't want to, I can't." He explained, looking tired.

She looked at him. Inspected his face and body. His eyes were full of desperation and sadness. Like he was begging her to believe him. She didn't see any hints of lies in his red eyes. She tried a different approach.

"You're half demon, aren't you?" Satoko questioned him.

"I'm not... I'm-" It looked like a invisible force was holding him back from saying anything.

"I'm-" He tried again, but the words seemed to choke in his throat, leaving him breathless.

Satoko looked at him in confusion, putting a hand on his shoulder. It really did look like he just couldn't. She didn't understand what was happening exactly, but she motioned him to stop talking. 

"You're a demon, right?" She asked him some more.

He nodded. Satoko was still a bit shocked. While he was suspicious, she'd never think he was an actually a demon. It just seemed impossible that her current boyfriend was a demon. One of those mindless creatures that destroyed the whole town and made her life turn upside down. But how was he so calm? How was he so collected?

"Look, I'll tell you what I can." Shiro spoke up, making her tilt her head in curiosity.

He breathed in deeply, as if he was getting ready to explain something very complicated. His face got very serious. 

"I can't talk about anything before the breakout... But after it, we hid under a hidden shield. Us that didn't go insane as quickly as others... The air here is fucked up for our lungs, it's not what we're used to. We drink pills to calm us down. Some old man that used to work in the lab gave them to us." Shiro spoke.

Satoko nodded. It made sense. But she still didn't understand why he at least couldn't tell her to the point after the break out. 

"I wasn't one of the demons that remained sane. The other people that knew me tried to calm me down, but I couldn't. They forcefully had to shove the pills up my throat. They say I was unconscious for ten years, destroying everything around myself." It looked like the white haired boy disliked this subject quite a lot, but he was continuing just to make her contempt.

"Did you kill anyone?" Satoko asked.

There was a short silence.

"... I really hope I didn't." He mustered out, looking at the floor. 

Satoko felt bad for asking that question. There was just a long silence after it, and she really didn't want to pry any more than she did. She did it out of anger and the feeling of being betrayed. Now that she understood it better, she didn't want to push him any further. She didn't feel hurt anymore. She tried to be as reasonable as possible with the boy.

"I wanted to find my dad. The moment I opened my eyes, I knew what I wanted to do. They told me he was too old to survive, but I still didn't listen. I went out of the shield, no money, no food, no knowledge and just went out." He sighed, feeling stupid for even trying. 

He should've just listened. Not go out without even listening. He listened to his stupid feelings of nostalgia and just went for it. He missed his father, but he just messed up his entire life this way. 

"That's why you went to the fad food place." She stated, remembering his dad used to own a restaurant. 

"Yeah... I didn't even know what this was. And this was a huge mistake. They told me I couldn't go back once I left and now my pills are running out..." He explained, putting a hand through his hair from stressful feelings. 

Satoko's heart stopped for a moment. Running out of pills... That couldn't mean anything good. She got scared for him, and a bit for herself. What if he returned to being just a mindless demon? He could kill all of them, including himself. 

"Will you be okay?" She questioned, putting her hand softly on his face.

He smiled a bit, but it faded very quickly.

"I will, the people around me won't. I was planning on just running away..." Shiro told his girlfriend his plan, but she wasn't amused by it.

"No, you can't run away!" Satoko cried out, slapping him on the arm.

He looked surprised, but oddly satisfied and flattered by her reaction. As much as he liked it, he knew he couldn't stay for long.

"Satoko, I have to. I don't want to hurt you." He tried to reason with her.

"The only way you'll hurt me is by leaving! I only have you, you can't leave me!" She hugged him tightly, making him even more surprised. 

He just hesitantly hugged her back. He didn't know how else to react.

"I'll try as long as I can-" He got interrupted by something he didn't expect.

She kissed him. She didn't know why she did it, she just felt so much emotions towards him now. Like she couldn't live without him. She was left all alone, who else would be there for her? She gotten used to him, opened up to him, trusted him. He couldn't leave just like that.  She couldn't let him. She just couldn't. 

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