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Benjiro was excitedly walking. Somehow he noticed his hair was getting curlier recently, looking at his reflection in shop windows. He also noticed his smile. He felt happy that he looked more like himself. He just hoped his parents would be as happy as he was about the child. Walking to their house was very tiring, but he didn't have his drivers license yet. He procrastinated getting the damn thing way too long. 

His house was not easy to miss. It wasn't even a house. A huge mansion with obviously expensive decorations and gardens. It was so obvious he was filthy rich that it embarrassed him sometimes. When he moved out three years ago, he got himself a much smaller house, but he kinda noticed it still was pretty big for most people's standards. He wouldn't quite notice if Naoki hadn't told him that the house he was living in before wasn't as small as Benjiro thought it was. He sold that house since he moved in with Ayase, since he didn't quite need it anymore anyway. 

Benjiro didn't even have to ring the doorbell, his old friend was already waiting for him. He was their butler and at least forty years older than Benjiro. But for some reason, he was very good with the man, having a very close bond since childhood. Maybe because he took care of him when his parents couldn't? He didn't quite know. 

"Your parents were very confused by your mysterious text message." The man told him with a bright smile.

"Ah, yeah, I know my parents aren't the type for surprises." Benjiro told him. 

Chuji Sabuto was fifty one, yet, just like Benjiro, looked much younger. Surprisingly his hair wasn't even gray in the slightest and his wrinkles were that of a thirty year old. His personality was always lively and carefree, and he couldn't help but feel that without that man, Benjiro wouldn't be the person he was today. That he'd be much more lonelier and spoiled. 

"They've been yammering on about how they're scared you'll say that you're moving somewhere far away or giving up their money." Sabuto laughed, to which Benjiro retorted the same.

They always thought the worst. He didn't know why they were so panicked all the time. But he knew it was care, so he appreciated it. 

"Remember when they thought I was gay?" Benjiro asked, kind of laughing at the thought.

They started walking inside the huge house, making their way to the living room. First they had to go through overly decorated halls with paintings that looked like original works. Somehow, he didn't much miss this house. It's like he wasn't made for living large. Well, at least not that large.

"Jesus, that was such a chaotic time. They made a big deal out of it too." His butler laughed, remembering how panicked they were.

"Although, I'd think you're gay too." He added, pointing it out.

"Yeah, I'd think that too." Benjiro shrugged, knowing he can't really disagree.

When they walked inside the living room, he saw his parents. His dad had short cut, blonde hair and blue eyes. He was a very short stature and he was naturally skinny. Oddly enough, his mom looked identical to his father. They'd often get confused as brother and sister, which kind of made everyone weirded out. The only difference was the gender, and how their mom had curly hair and was obviously shorter. 

"Oh my God, Benji!" His mom went out to hug him, squeezing him tightly, making him lose air. 

"Hi, mom." His face went blue, trying to get away from her.

He loved hugs in general, just not when his mom was involved. She had quite the grip, enough to choke a man. 

"Leave him alone, Karu." His dad spoke up. 

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