|| Chapter 7 ||

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"Thank you for being here and forgive my short-term request." Queen Rin said, Mrs. Jenny standing by her side as she spoke while You, Aaron, Doni, both Lucario and Doni's Heracross stood across the blonde woman in the meeting hall. There was a quite familiar wooden box in front of the maid.

"I have two missions for you all. Sir Aaron will be working solo while Lady Y/N will join forces with Sir Doni for this task." The queen announced, and for some reason you were a little disappointed that you didn't get to be on the same squad as Aaron. "But before that..."

"We received a big amount of Old balls from the Kinola kingdom. Just so everyone is on the same page here, those objects are used to capture Pokémon and make them yours completely. They are very useful, since one is capable of practically carrying around their Pokémon in their pocket." Queen Rin explained and signalled Mrs. Jenny to open the wooden box in which the mentioned objects were. "I want you all to have six Old balls for now."

"Sir Doni, Lady Y/N, your mission is to test the Old balls and report back to me tomorrow if possible." The blonde woman said while her maid distributed six Old balls to all three knights in the room.

"Sir Aaron, you will be going to the Puleuna kingdom. They have good relationships with the kingdoms and empires in the Alola region, and are receiving a species of Pokémon called Mudsdale. Queen Glacia of Puleuna has promised to give us some as well, and I want you to lead the transportation-squad." Queen Rin added and Mrs. Jenny was done distributing. "You may use one of your Old balls to officially catch your Pokémon right now."

Once those words left the queen's mouth, your Lucario turned her head towards Sir Aaron's Lucario who met her gaze. "Are you really alright with this?"

The male Lucario nodded, and was soon asked the same question by his master. You heard it as well, but you didn't understand the meaning behind that question since you were unaware of Lucario's rather tragic past. The Pokémon nodded again, giving his master permission to capture him with the Old ball.

You and Doni did the same to your own Pokémon: You neared the metal object to the heads of your Pokémon until the red screw-top made contact with their foreheads. The Pokémon seemed to have turned into something that looked like some sort of visible aura which then disappeared into the Old ball.

"I was told the instructions. They are quite simple: if you wish to release your Pokémon out of their Old ball, then you must simply turn the red screw-top three times and throw the object in the air." The blonde woman explained, showing you the movement with her own hand. "And when you want your Pokémon to return back inside the Old ball, then you simply need to point the red screw-top at them and they will naturally return."

So when the queen was done explaining, you tried doing what she had just instructed you and managed to set your Pokémon free from their Old balls. It really was simple to use these new objects.

"I wish you good luck on your missions. You are now dismissed." The blonde woman said before the three of you bowed before her, your Pokémon doing the same. All of you then left the hall and got outside until you reached the other side of the main gates.

"Oh.~ Y/N and I get to go on a mission together. Isn't that exciting?~" Doni hummed while only the two of you stood there along with the two guards stationed at the gates. Aaron had run off to the training grounds quickly in order to go get his Pidgeot. You two had already made your Lucario and Heracross return inside their Old balls.

Rota's First Female Knight | Sir Aaron x Reader [Pokémon]Where stories live. Discover now