|| Chapter 10 ||

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Rays of sun entered your room through the window, and even though the curtains deflected them quite well, they still managed to caress your cheeks warmly, slowly waking you from your rather deep slumber.

Your eyelids fluttered open and you almost immediately brought the palms of your hands to your face and gently rubbed your eyes before sitting up. Momo and Lucario were sleeping peacefully, one cuddled up against the other. After all, you three had stayed up until late last night.

You carefully slipped out of the covers and stood up from your bed, waking neither of the two Pokémon. You proceeded in changing into casual clothes and brushing your hair, deciding you should tie it right away since you planned on baking later on.

You walked past the kitchen counter to grab your wallet once you had silently exited your room and headed for the door. You swung your usual knight coat over yourself and hesitated before stepping outside; That meant you would need to leave your Pokémon while still unable to lock your house.

In the end you still started walking through the village promenade after mentally ensuring yourself that no one would enter your house, and in the slightest chance that someone would stumble on that idea, then the Pokémon would be able to defend themselves. After all, Lucario was very powerful, and Momo most probably as well.

The sun wasn't up too high, but it was just about time when everyone was starting to open their shops and restaurants. But you knew for a fact that the bakery was already active for longer than probably three hours by now, so you decided to drop by there to get the needed ingredients for your cake.

It didn't take you long, and as soon as you stepped inside the small store, you were greeted by the pleasant smell of freshly baked bread as well as your mother who was flashing you the most radiant smile. "Good morning, Y/N! How's work?"

"Morning, Mom. It's good as usual. Today's my day off so I decided I'd prepare something for my mentor who is coming back from a mission in Puleuna. I thought I could get the things here." You replied, looking around a bit. You didn't have the chance to tell your mother much about Aaron, Doni nor the others you met at the castle grounds, but the older woman already figured out more than you did. "Your mentor, huh? You're not trying to hide your boyfriend from me or anything, right?"

"O-Of course not! Sir Aaron is only my mentor! A-Actually no, maybe he's a good friend? That isn't quite it either..." You said nervously, waving your hands and arms defensively as you put down a jar of cocoa powder and baking powder on the counter. Your mother laughed at your flustered reaction as well as the red face that gave you away.

"A-Anyways. How much is it? Don't even think about saying that it's on the house." You asked after the older woman pulled out a small bag from under the counter, putting the two jars you got for yourself inside and shoving it over to you. You knew that your mother didn't like making you pay for things, but she doesn't own the bakery, so she would need to pay with her money, and you certainly didn't want to cause her trouble since she lived by herself.

"Alright, alright. It'd be 5.70 Pokédollars." Your mother said, you soon pulling out your wallet and a few coins out of it, handing them over to the woman who returned you the change. "I would like to talk to you about something. Do you have time next week?"

Rota's First Female Knight | Sir Aaron x Reader [Pokémon]Where stories live. Discover now