|| Chapter 45.5 ||

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"Yeah, see you around!" Doni waved, flashing Amalia one of his signature womanizer smiles as he watched her leave, the form of her back soon disappearing into the long corridor. He felt quite refreshed, so much that he hadn't even noticed a certain someone who had crept up on him by then. "'See you around' huh? Is that why you've been neglecting your princess, Sir Doni?"

"Camilla!" Not bothering to add any honorifics, for instance because he and the caramel-haired female were past the phase of unnecessary politeness and despite him technically being on duty, Doni turned around abruptly, only to be greeted by the sight of Camilla eyeing him with a smirk plastered on her face, her hands resting on either side of her hips. "Amalia and I were just talking!"

"Yeah, I know? I was just messing around." Camilla raised a brow when all she received as a response was Doni's serious reply and almost anxious face. She was already aware that she hadn't been simply imagining things, but this truly proved that the blond knight was indeed keeping something for himself, and that that something had a high probability of involving the new maid candidate. "I've said this already, but you've been acting weird lately, you're way too tense. Did something happen?"

"No, nothing really." Doni answered, his smile seeming almost a bit forced as he scratched the back of his neck. The two of them had begun walking at some point, neither of them truly knowing where to until the princess decided to look into the matter more deeply and not take Doni's word for it. "You do know that you can talk to me about it, right? Even if I'm a princess now, I'll always have time for my favorite knight in shining armor!~ Don't tell Y/N I said that though."

This time the Italian male's chuckle sounded much more genuine but still not like a sound he would make when feeling completely at ease. If he wasn't going to tell her what was going on with him as a so-called 'friend', then Camilla had no choice but to use her social status in order to press the answer out of the knight. "Since you say nothing's wrong and that nothing in particular is going on, then you might as well come to my room an do me a favor?"

"My, my, princess.~ What kind of favor would require my assistance? In your bedroom at that.~ Quite the bold invitation, wouldn't you agree?" The female was glad that the perverted part of Doni's personality hadn't completely vanished and smirked at him once more, linking their arms as she slowly led them to the mentioned chamber. "Bold is the only method that works with you."

"It's not the only one, but I'll admit that it's my favorite approach." Flashing the shorter girl a toothy grin, the blond knight was soon dragged inside a certain luxurious bedroom. The light provided by the setting sun invaded the chamber, the curtains not being closed yet, making the atmosphere seem slightly more romantic than it already was in a way. "So? May I get the specifics of this favor now, my princess?"

"I sincerely hope that I'm the only one you address that way." Camilla suddenly pouted, her thoughts momentarily wandering back to Amalia and how Doni might have flirted with her. That comment was certainly not voiced because she didn't trust the blond knight, but rather because sometimes he would say smooth things without even realising it himself, and she hated the idea of him treating some other girl that way. She knew the reason to that precisely as well. "For now, please take a seat. On the bed."

"Should I lie down and take my clothes off while I'm at it?" The right side of Doni's lip tugged upwards, creating a playful smirk as he indeed went to sit on the edge of Camilla's bed and waited for further instructions. Obviously he was messing around just like usual - though he wouldn't have minded if the two of them truly were to have done what lingered in the back of his mind - so he was slightly taken by surprise when the caramel-haired female closed the gap between their bodies and pushed the knight down into the soft bedsheets. "Don't worry, I can do that myself."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2019 ⏰

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