|| Chapter 30 ||

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It was now around eight in the morning of the next day, Sunday. Yesterday's heavy rain had ceased during the night, but had left the whole village and nearby forests awfully humid. Of course, that all didn't matter to Aaron's Pidgeot since he was using the sky road back to Grona. The only thing bothering him slightly were the clouds he occasionally flew through.

Queen Rin had attached her response to the bird-Pokémon early last morning, and thankfully, wind and weather were in the avian creature's favor once again. He would reach you and the rest of the knights in Grona in about two or three hours if there wouldn't be any unexpected delays. Of course, unfortunately, there was a certain event that held Pidgeot up. Or that was going to, and it was getting closer.

"Hey, hey! What if that feathered nuisance took another way? What if we don't find him?! Won't the mistress get mad?" A mostly purple Pokémon asked it's friend - or rather partner - on which she was also flying. The other Pokémon - the one Aipom was flying on - wasn't supposed to even exist anymore. At least, most humans thought that way.

"You are annoying and what you are spouting is ridiculous. The mistress instructed us to take this route and so we will." Aerodactyl replied, annoyed by all the noise the smaller Pokémon was emitting. Aipom sighed in defeat, gripping the bottle-shaped container she held even tighter. That object and mostly what was in it were crucial for the mission those two Pokémon have been sent on by their owner.

Just a few moments after their short dispute, their eyes locked with their target: Aaron's Pidgeot. The avian creature was peacefully proceeding on the way to Grona but that was quickly going to change once Aerodactyl told his female partner to get ready to engage in an arial battle.

Pidgeot wasn't expecting to get attacked by other Pokémon he had never encountered before, much less to see a creature that was supposed to be extinct, and so, he was unable to completely dodge the Hyper Beam Aerodactyl fired: It grazed his right wing quite a bit, but not enough to make him lose his ability to fly.

"I did not completely hit him! I need to recharge, so take care of him while I do." The reptilian Pokémon exclaimed loudly, the purple creature soon nodding and positioning herself in a way that she wouldn't fall off her larger partner.

Aipom then swung her tail, small stars emanating from it as they got shot in Pidgeot's direction as result of the monkey-Pokémon using Swift. Aaron's Pidgeot was a little more prepared this time, so he was capable of dodging the attack completely.

"What is going on here?!" The avian creature thought to himself as he didn't move from his spot in order to come up with a solution. Even though he wasn't a human, he knew very well that Aerodactyl were supposed to be extinct. It seemed like those two were purposely targeting him for some reason which had to mean that they were trained; In other words, Pokémon of a human.

Pidgeot used his Air Slash attack in attempt of creating a big enough distraction for him to pass by the two enemies, and even though the attack hit Aerodactyl completely, it only caused him slight or even no damage at all, since the move was not very effective.

The violet-grey Pokémon had recuperated strength and was ready to attack again, this time using Supersonic. The noise was loud and very itchy to Pidgeot, causing his mind to get cloudy, affecting his concentration and balance greatly. That was Aipom's chance to strike again, his Swift attack hitting Aaron's Pokémon fully.

Now the avian creature's left wing was hurt badly as well, and being affected by confusion caused by the prior Supersonic, Pidgeot lost his strength and started falling down from a rather high altitude. He gained speed during the fall, making his crash against the grassy ground even more painful than it would have originally been.

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