Fanfiction- Cake Hoodings

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Warnings: boyxboy

Luke's P.O.V:

I sighed, running down the stairs to our temporary house in Florida with Calum's muscle tee and my teenage mutant ninja turtles boxers on.

"Morning" I muttered as I walked past the living room, seeing Calum and Michael playing FIFA as Ashton was on his phone, looking bored.

"Mornin' Lukey" Calum said, keeping his gaze locked on the TV screen while the others ignored me. I merely chuckled, going into the kitchen and getting some bread out.

"Do you want some toast?" I yelled into the living room for the boys to hear.

"No thanks"


"Yes please" I heard Michael and Ash decline.

"Vegemite?" I asked Calum.

"Yup" he said and I nodded even though he couldn't see me, popping 4 pieces of bread into the toaster before sitting on the counter. As I was waiting, Ashton came in with an empty cup.

"Nice boxers" he chuckled and I playfully glared at him. As he turned away to wash the cup the toast popped up and I put them all on one paper plate, going behind Ash to reach the Vegemite in the cupboard.

"Can you get me the butter please?" I asked and he nodded, grabbing it out of the fridge for me and handing it to me.

"Thank you" I said, grabbing it and beginning to spread it onto the pieces of bread.

"How'd you sleep last night?" Ash made small talk with me and I smirked.

"Terribly. All I could hear were you and Mike's moans as you punished him" I said and saw him smirk out of the corner of my eye.

"Oh just admit that you'd rather it have been you" he teased and I blushed while putting away the butter and walking past him, into the living room as he trailed behind me.

"Eh, I'd rather it have been Cally" I said as the other two boys came into sight.

"Oh so you'd rather Calum dominate you than me? I knew you were a sub" Ash said and I blushed, seeing Calum blush as well but he kept his eyes on the screen.

"How do you even know I'm a Dom?" Calum retorted and Ashton giggled.

"Oh trust me, I know" he said and I laughed, sitting on the floor next to Calum and taking a bite out of my toast.

"Open" I ordered him and he opened his mouth as I put his piece of toast in his mouth which he took a bite out of.

"Well look who's giving orders" Michael teased and both of us blushed.

"Shut up" Calum muttered but I took another route, not giving Michael the pleasure of embarrassing us.

"Oh says you Mikey. Oh Daddy! I'm sorry Daddy! Please let me come!!" I imitated Michael from last night and his entire face flushed a dark red. Ashton laughed loudly at that and I fed Calum another bite.

"He did say that, didn't he?" Ash helped with my teasing and ruffled Michael's hair, making him groan.

"Oh trust me, I heard everything last night. I didn't get a wink of sleep until you finally decided Mikey finally had enough of your cock" I said and both of their jaws dropped open, Calum still blushing as I just smirked.

"Oh don't lie to yourself, the only reason you couldn't sleep is because you had a boner and couldn't get rid of it until you imagined Calum sucking you off and then fucking you into Oblivion" Michael said and I blushed, not admitting that in fact, that was exactly what I did.

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