Control -Cashton Hoodwin

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Warnings: boyxboy, forced (sort of), rough, possessive, bondage, name calling, dirty talk

Calum's P.O.V:


"UGHHH SHUT UP ASHTON! NOBODY CARES!!" I cut Ashton off, walking away from him and into the dressing rooms.

I heard Luke and Michael hold him back and try to calm him down, making me sigh in relief before I closed the door behind me. I nearly ripped off my shirt, before moving to my tight, black ripped skinny jeans after taking off my shoes and socks.

We had just finished a performance and I felt like I was on fire just from the heat, but adding on the anger that surged through my veins at the thought of Ashton, I was basically a time bomb.

I heard a bunch of muffled yelling from outside, before the door slammed open to reveal Luke and Michael pushing Ashton until he was in the dressing room with me.

"We're leaving you in here until you STOP FIGHTING! We've had enough of you're unnecessary bickering" Michael said sternly, before the door slammed shut and a click was heard, meaning they locked us in. I always thought it was stupid that some doors can only lock from the outside, it's like they were made for people to get kidnapped.

"Put on some clothes" Ashton ordered and I glared at him.

"Don't tell me what to do" I spat back, causing him to look up at me and mirror my glare before it turned into a smirk.

"Awwee does little Calum not like being bossed around? Is he used to getting what he wants? Well you're not getting that with me because I'm the boss around here" he taunted me, though his voice went back to normal and dropped an octave by the last sentence.

"As if" I scoffed at him, before turning around and beginning to browse around my phone while walking to the couch. Before I got there, there was a hand on my shoulder and I got turned around to see Ashton's angry stare only inches away from mine.

"What are you trying to imply" Ashton spat out, clearly pissed at me as I was him.

"Just admit it Ashton, I have more control here than you" I said, a confident smirk on my face. I flinched slightly as I saw his eyes darken dramatically, his face intimidating.

He suddenly turned me around, pushing me hard enough that I faceplanted into the couch. He pulled my hands behind my back, my struggling not doing much against his firm grip until he tied my hands in place with what I assume was his bandana that he wore during the show.

"Who's in control now?" He whispered raspily in my ear and I grunted, struggling against the confinements of the bandana. I heard Ashton chuckle before he suddenly flipped me over again, face to face with me.

I tried to ignore the shiver that trailed down my spine as he grinned triumphantly down at me but he seemed to notice, his grin turning into a smirk.

"What're you doing?" I asked, my voice coming out weaker than I wanted as his hands were now placed only torso. He didn't answer, only chuckling quietly as I yelped when he played with my nipples.

"You're so cute, like a puppy" he smiled down at me, his eyes darkening impossibly more as he straddled my hips.

"I'm not cute" I spat out the last word, glaring at him and trying my best to ignore the pleasure running through my body as he grinded down against me suddenly.

"I'm a dom and you know it Ash, untie me right now" I demanded and I literal growl escaped from the back of his throat.

"And you know that I'm a dom too. I'm a dom and I want you so you're going to have to let your ego go for a little while" he said darkly and my eyes widened slightly. He wants me? Since when? I ignored the questions forming in my mind, trying not to get distracted.

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