Movie Theater- Mashton Clirwin

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Warnings: boyxboy, public sex, Fem!Michael, pet names, daddy!Ashton, dirty talk

Michael's P.O.V:

"You almost ready kitten?" I heard Ashton's voice ring through the bathroom door.

"Yup" I said happily, swinging the door open to reveal my outfit.

"You like?" I asked self consciously as his eyes widened and he stayed silent.

"I love! I guess I just didn't think you'd wear this out in public, after all you said it makes you too nervous" he said and I nodded, blushing a little and looking down at the floor.

I was wearing a maroon skirt that went down to about mid-thigh and an off white long sleeved shirt (long enough for me to make sweater paws).

"I thought I'd give it a try, since I want to get out there, y'know? And we'll be sitting in the dark for the most part anyways" I said and he nodded, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of our bathroom/bedroom and down the stairs.

"Your shirt sort of matches your hair" he said, pointing to my bleached blonde hair. I giggled at that, following him out of the house and to the car where we got in and buckled up before he started driving.


"Your movie will be in theater 7 on the right" the lady that took our tickets said, giving me a wide smile.

"Thank you" Ashton said, smiling at her before walking into the line to get snacks. I stood beside him, fiddling with the hem of my skirt slightly while we made small talk throughout the wait of the line.

"May I please have a small Coke Icee, a thing of twizzlers, and a small popcorn?" I asked the girl in a small voice and she quickly nodded, giving me a smile before beginning to get her our things. I was super happy that we haven't had to deal with any of the guys working here since I knew they wouldn't take it as well as the females.

The girl came back with our things, handing them to me as I traded them for a twenty dollar bill.

"Keep the change" I smiled at her and her eyes lit up at the extra tip, making me giggle slightly.

"Thank you so much! I love your outfit by the way" she said and I smiled, blushing lightly.

"Thank you, have a nice day!" I said as I gathered up the items on the counter with the help of Ashton.

"You too!" She said happily before we walked away. I buttered up the popcorn and got a few napkins before following Ashton into the halls to find theater 7.

"You seem quiet" I said, catching up to him since his legs were longer then mine.

"You told me I would pay for the next date" he pouted slightly and I laughed.

"What's so funny!?" He said, only making me laugh more.

"I thought I did something wrong, you're so silly. We used your car so you used gas instead of me if it's any consolation" I said and his face brightened up at that, causing me to hold back another giggle as I bit my lip to prevent it. Luckily, Ashton didn't see since we already walked into the theater so it was dark.

After we got situated in two seats at the top, the movie started. We were sat at the top row, which is the back of the theater, and in the corner since we didn't want to be sitting next to anybody which was nice because it made it feel more like a movie night. The lights went down and I smiled, excited to watch the movie with Ashton. My smile only widened and a new blush coated my cheeks as he place his hands over mine, before intertwining our fingers.

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