The World and the Road Dogs {11}

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{June 8th, 2009Arlington, TexasCowboys (AT&T) StadiumNick- 16|Mel-14}

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{June 8th, 2009
Arlington, Texas
Cowboys (AT&T) Stadium
Nick- 16|Mel-14}

It was getting closer and closer to the boys' first "World Tour", everyone and their mother were excited. It was going to be one hell of a year, to be quite honest. The Jonas Brothers were set to perform in many countries all around the world till December of that year, with little to no break, while flying out to Canada to film Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam.

Since the last time we had heard from the boys; a lot has happened. Nick and Melissa had a time there where they had broken up for a few weeks. At the time they had fought about the fact that there were rumors that Nick had cheated on her with Miley. Melissa being young and naive, believed the media over someone that she had known her whole life.

And Nick being... well Nick, he couldn't swallow his pride and continued to fight with the 14 year old. The two of them couldn't even stand to be in the same room together, so it caused the curly headed Jonas to write some of the best songs.

Before the Storm, Hey Baby, What Did I Do to Your Heart.

So they had split up, the time apart was good for the two teenagers, Nick had gotten some good songs out of it for the upcoming album, and Melissa had learned to be alone for a while.

As time went on, they started to realize how silly it all was, and Melissa had apologized to Nick, knowing that she was in the wrong. There was silence for a day or two, then he showed up at her doorstep with flowers and the biggest, sappiest smile in the world, and they were together again. I mean they do belong together, correct?

Since the Jonases and Melissa had once lived in Texas, it was easy for them to be doing rehearsals for the tour, as Denise and Kevin Sr. had recently bought a house in Dallas.

Nick and Melissa pulled up in Nick's new shiny black Camaro, as it was bright and early in the morning on the first day of tour rehearsals. "You sure you wanna stay all day babe?" Nick asked, their hands still interlaced together.

She nodded, taking the Road Dogs hat off of her boyfriend's head, and slipped it on hers. "I-I'm sure baby." she smiled and kissed his cheek.

They got out of the car, and Nick came right around to her side, interlacing their fingers again as Rob Brenner, their tour director came up and greeted them.

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