Find You {33}**

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{June 5th, 2017 Cleveland, Ohio Heart Residence}

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{June 5th, 2017
Cleveland, Ohio
Heart Residence}

Melissa had been keeping an eye on Nick, ya know.... through social media that is. And trying to make sure that he didn't do anything too crazy without her.

She really didn't know how to react when she got a call from Denise, telling her that he was absolutely miserable and didn't know what to do any longer to reconcile him.

"Is he okay?" Melissa asked, moving effortlessly around her room getting things together to go and track the older boy down.

"See, that's the thing, none of us have any idea where he is, how he is... he doesn't answer any of our calls... nothing." Denise sighed, sounding totally defeated through the speaker.

"Well, isn't he supposed to be filming the new music video this week?" the brunette girl asked, and zipped up the bag she was just finishing up.

Denise agreed and listened to what Melissa had to say next, "Can you book me a flight to wherever he is?"

The Jonas mother smiled and nodded, "of course, give me a few minutes and I'll have Kevin (Sr.) do it." Denise stopped for a minute or two, then spoke again, "oh, and he is still looking for the video girl for this video, maybe he'll pick you."

"I doubt that... remember, he doesn't want me in his life any longer..." the young girl reminded her Godmother, trying to not let her heart take over her thoughts.

"But it's you, he always has had... and always will have a soft spot for you." Denise tried her hardest to convince her.
{June 6th, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
some random beach}

Melissa parked the rental car in the huge parking lot of the most nicest beach she had ever seen, and sighed as she saw Nick dancing around being filmed.

Nick can't dance. 🤣

She took in a deep breath as she shut the car off, stepping out. Her heart was racing a million miles a minute and really didn't know why she was doing this. Why she was currently here, about to confront her ex... or why she was so fucking nervous. She has known this man her entire life... knew him inside and out. This was nuts.

What if Aunt Denise was lying and he really did find a new girl?

What if he didn't want anything to do with her any longer?

These were the questions that swirled endlessly in her head and she didn't know how to make them stop.

Her feet started moving towards the golden sand, and she smiled weakly at the 24-year-old who stopped in his tracks as he seen her. His whole body momentarily freezing, he really didn't know if he was imagining her or not.

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