The Wedding of the Century & Proposals {45}

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(I'm def gonna add more to this eventually!!)

(I'm def gonna add more to this eventually!!)

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{June 29th, 2019}

It was here, the day everyone had been waiting for, was here. Sophie was in white, Joe had the most amazing suit on. The couple not letting their smiles falter.

"... By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you, Husband and Wife." the Pastor spoke, closing the Bible that was in his hands. Joe immediately took his wife into his arms and kissed her lovingly.

Just like it was 10 years ago at the older Jonas' wedding, Melissa smiled over at Nick, the two of them blushing. They both couldn't wait till it was their turn. He came up to his girlfriend as everyone began walking back up the aisle, holding his arm out for her.

"It's you and me forever." he reminded her, kissing her cheek as they hurried along with the rest of the wedding party.

Even after all the ups and downs and the craziness with the boys' career again.... it was the two of them. Just like it always had been. Nothing else mattered.

"Congrats!" Nick exclaimed, patting his older brother on the back, his toothy grin not leaving his face.

The curly headed Jonas held onto his girl's hand as they made their way through the ever growing crowd. He leaned the girl against his chest, "wanna get outta here for a second before pictures start?" he mumbled, his brown eyes fixed on hers.

The warm air circled around them, making a blush creep up on both of their cheeks. Melissa's back pressed against the wall, her hands held tight onto the suit jacket Nick was wearing.

"I love you Angel." Nick whispered, his forehead leaned against hers. Their lips just barely got to press together before a voice broke the silence.

"Aye you two! It's picture time!" Kevin called out, chuckling as it brought back memories of how he used to do this same exact thing when they were younger... always interrupting them, at the most horrible times.

"Almost..." Nick grimaced, following his brother back inside, not letting go of Melissa's hand.
"To Joseph and Sophie!" Kevin exclaimed into the microphone as they all stood behind the table. Everyone clinked their glasses together, the fizzy liquid in the glass swishing around. Nick smiled down at Melissa as they took a sip.

"To Joe and Sophie!!" everyone replied.

Time ticked by, and Nick was finishing his best man speech, " congratulations to my brother and his wife. I still can't believe that my goofy brother is finally hitched. I love the both of you dearly, and can't wait to see what the future will bring." he smiled at them. "Now, I am going to do something that I also did at Kevin's wedding... and that is sing a song." he made his way towards the piano, sitting down on the bench.

"Angel with a broken wing,
When you showed up at my door,
Now I'm falling more in love, than I ever was before.

And if you must,
Know the truth,
I knew it was you.
Do when you will,
When you won't,
I do."

A few minutes passed by, and Nick played the ending notes of the 10-year old song. The applause rang through the banquet room, and Nick thanked everyone.

Dinner had gone smoothly, and everyone was enjoying the night. Melissa thankfully wasn't getting drunk off her ass like she did at the engagement party. When the memories were brought up about it, she always frowned.

After the first dance between Joe and Sophie, there was a slow, romantic song that started playing. Nick stood up from the table, looking at his girlfriend, "may I have this dance, my love?" he asked, his hand reaching out for her.

She blushed deeply, placing her hand in his, "of course." she whispered, standing up and followed him out to the dance floor.

"Will that be us one day?" Melissa mumbled, looking up at Nick, her eyes full of hope.

"I know it will Angel, cause I'm not planning on losing you." he replied, his hold on her getting a little tighter. Like as if there was something telling him he was going to fuck this up somehow again.

Her mind was spinning just a little bit, "it's you and me forever, yah?" she asked, as she tried to make her statement sound like how he would say it.

"Yes my darling, it will always be that. No matter what happens... the world stops turning, or the sun doesn't want to shine... it will always be you and me..."

A small chuckle left her, and she rested her head against his shoulder. "I love you."
Everyone had left to go back to their respective homes, but Nick and Melissa were on a plane yes; but on their way to Italy. As they decided to get a small vacation in before the craziness of tour beginning.

Nick laid on the luxurious couch, head in Melissa's lap, as she played with his curls. "What do you want to do once we get to Italy, Princess?" he asked, his eyes closed, completely loving the way her fingers felt against his scalp.

"I don't know... go sightseeing? Take a pasta making class? Try some wine? Go to the beach?" she started spewing off ideas, but the curly interrupted her, "You are the one for me."

"...y-yah, I know that babe." she whispered, glancing down at him with a goofy grin on her lips. "I can't imagine my life without you." she poked his nose; matter-o-factly.

"What I mean, Angel... is that I love you so much. You are perfect, and I would give anything for you to have everything you ever needed." he blushed, leaning his head up and tried to pretend-bite her finger.

Melissa's heart fluttered, she still couldn't believe that they were back together. That the past few years were done, and she was happy again. Even if she felt her heart twist with worry every time she got scared he would leave her. Or that he would find someone ten times better than her.

"I have been in love with you my whole life, and I never will stop loving you." she promised, as he sat up, resting his hands upon her cheeks.

His brown eyes studied hers, and took in a deep breath as he carefully spoke the next words, "You got me for forever baby, I'm all yours." he promised back, kissing her.

But it was about fifteen minutes later when the curly looked up at his girlfriend, taking her into his arms, "Marry me."

It happened all of a sudden, and so out of the blue, that she thought she was imagining it. "...Marry me, Lyss." he said a few seconds later, as he leaned his forehead against hers.

"Are you... are you serious babe?" she whispered, knowing he always meant what he said. "If you think you are gonna ask me that without some marvelous plan.... and a ring my dear Nicholas..." she giggled. She felt the butterflies in her stomach as the words that he really said; sunk in.

Did he really want to marry her? Was he completely ready to commit himself to her? For them to actually sit down and talk about starting a family one day?

"Oh yah, I forgot about that." he smirked, pressing a soft kiss against her temple. "Mhm, I'm not saying I expect the world, but I do expect some type of ring, and you down on your knee." she smiled.

"But I'm serious, you and I. We fit together like a puzzle. The way you make me feel is something like I've never felt before." he spoke softly, his eyes not leaving hers. "One day... one day soon I will be down on my knee, asking you this same question. Cause like I've always said, it's you and me forever."
{again, I'll edit this and add more later... just making up for lost time with updates 💕💕}

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