Chapter 2

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-May 29, 1998-

Loki's voice rang through Sophiea's room as he sang to his little girl.  The tune was beautiful and haunting, each note placed in the perfect place, each word sending a message of love to the infant.

There was a knock at the door and a maid, Keté wandered in. "Prince Loki, the all father demands your presence in the throne room." Loki gave a curt nod before kissing his daughter on the forehead and giving the child to one of the only people who knew of her existence.

Loki walked down the long corridor, his boots making clicking sounds as they hit the cold, hard, stone floor, but his mind was not focused on the boots or the hallway. His mind was on a whole different world. He was thinking of a grave, with one dyeing rose beside it, and the words 'Kaitia Sophiea Odinson, may her soul rest with the nobles of Valhalla.' Etched in to the side. Loki lost sight of the rose and the grave when a guard snapped his fingers in his face. Loki stumbled back, dazed.

"My prince, are you alright?" The guard asked hesitantly.

"I am alright. I was just thinking." Loki snapped. He had lost his wife 15 days ago, and he was trying so hard not to break.

For Sophiea's sake.

He pushed the doors open and marched into the throne room. There stood Odin All-father, Frigga, and Thor, who has recently returned from Midgard. Although his trip was much happier than Loki's.

Loki bowed before Odin and Frigga. "Mother, Father, what troubles you?" He asked breathlessly.

Frigga smiled, she loved that Loki still called her mother, even though she and her husband told him he was adopted years ago.

Thor spoke up "The bridge is collapsing."

"Father tell me it isn't true." Loki gasped, if the bridge failed, he could not get back to earth.

Odin curtly nodded "We hope you are well enough after your sickness to help us. Seeming you are doing well and recovering from- whatever ailed you."

Loki scoffed. He had told them he was feeling unwell when he returned from Midgard this past time. But he knew he would never be fully 'better'.

"We think that you could help us fix it."

"Have you tried jump starting it?" He said, but immediately stopped himself. It was something she would say.

Frigga smiled warily at her raven-haired son. "What does that mean dear?"

" Um- it's like umm-like the cars on Midgard" Thor nodded understanding a little of what his brother was telling him from the long rants his lady Jane went on about 'modern technology'. "Well, when they run out of battery you jump start it with electricity from another car." Loki was pacing the floor and gesturing wildly with his hands.

"It might work." Odin was a nodded. "How would we do that?"

Loki simply pointed at the hammer hanging from his brother's belt.

"Let's be going then. If the bridge is collapsing, we have to save it now." And without another word Loki took Thor off.

Once on the bridge they ran faster avoiding crumbling energy.

They were 50 feet from the dome.




Then Loki slipped.

Thor looked for his brother, and there he was, holding on for dear life, hanging over a gaping void.

"Thor!" He called when his brother took a step towards him. "No! Go, fix the bridge. I'll be fine."

Thor turned and ran to the dome. Once inside, he summoned a massive lightning bolt and hit bridge with it.

The air hummed, and the smell of ozone was upon Thor as he ran to where he last saw his brother. Leaning over the newly fixed rainbow bridge. Thor stared at the figure falling into the void. He screamed, and not too far away a baby woke in the nursery of a castle and started to sob.


Loki was falling.

For how long, he did not know. He had let go. He knew it was impossible for his older brother to save him. He also knew Thor would have never forgiven himself if he didn't pull Loki up.

Soon, Loki saw a blue light and he crashed to a hard-stone floor. Groaning he got to his feet. In front of him there was a small pedestal and placed on top of it was a golden scepter with a glowing blue gem in it.

Loki took a small step forward and the light form the stone stared to pulse.


Loki whirled, someone had said his name, but no one was in the area


The voice was like someone grinding two stones together.

'touch it.'

The voice seemed to be coming from the staff. Loki backed away.

'Unlimited her."

Loki gasped, he knew exactly who 'her' was. "Tell me more."

'Touch the stone...have power...bring her back.' And without thinking he reached foreword and touched the blue rock.

Almost instantly Loki felt a searing pain go through his body and his beautiful emerald green eyes turned ice blue. He stood for a few moments before grabbing the scepter.

He had a world to concur.   

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