Chapter 17

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-April 9, 2015-

"Are you ready to go?" The air was cool and crisp in Korea.

Sophiea had been paying attention when they talked about what they were planning on doing, but after a while she had just gone to bed. All she knew is that she had to get Helen Cho out of the building safely.

"That is a horrible question to ask me Cap. I will never be ready to go." The fabric of her cape moved in the wind. The cape wasn't long, just down to about her knees, but it gave the regal looking affect she was going for.

Her hair was tied up, the ponytail coming down about mid-back, falling on her leather suit. The black, paneled leather moved with her and couldn't be more comfortable. Silver and green lining caught the sun and shimmered. She would have to thank Tony again for the costume.

"Ok, go." Sophiea and Steve took off running towards the glass building. As they ran, they passed a truck going the opposite way.

Steve gave her a knowing look.

"I'll call Tasha, have her and Clint check it out."

"Thank you. I'm going to go check for survivors. Come in when you're done, just- be safe Sophiea."

She gave him a small smile; it wasn't quite real. Cap could see that; he didn't say anything. She was recovering. Ever since the encounter with Wanda Maximoff she had been distant with everyone.

He ran off, towards the people who needed his help. Not knowing the one who needed him most, was the one he was leaving behind.

Sophiea activated the com in her ear. "Hey Tasha, there's a truck headed your way, keep tabs on it. It might be Ultron."

"Of course. Good luck." She ran into the labs.

Destruction was evident around her. The tables were overturned, vials of chemicals broken on the ground, bodies lying- scattered across the room.

She took a deep breath, trying to ignore the death and pain around her. There was nothing she could do about it now.

"Cap? Where are you?" Sophiea wandered through the dark passage ways. After a few turns, she was lost. "Hello?"

A clatter was heard along with soft voices.

"Hello? I'm not here to hurt you."

A familiar name floated though the silence. "Wanda, I think it's her." Sophiea took another step forward as the young man stepped towards her.

"You were the girl from before." Sophiea could only nod. He took a step towards her. "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"My name's Sophiea, am here to help."

He took a step towards her, taking her hand in his. "Teach us how to help too. We have created enough destruction as it is."

"Ok. Come with me." They walked off, Wanda trailing after. "Tony, what's the story? Where are we needed?"

"Run-away train. Steve needs your help, Go as quick as you can."

Without another word the blond man picked up his sister and Sophiea and ran off.


They were at the train in seconds, and Sophiea saw the Ultron bots swarming Captain America. She pushed Pietro towards the hole in the metal.

"Get as many civilians out of here as you can." She turned to the dark-haired girl, "You're Wanda, right? You need to help me stop this train."

"I don't know how!" she cried.

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