Author's note

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Here we are.
The end of the book.
End of the line.

Not quite.

So, I've been working on this story for about a year and a half. It started as just names on a page and a general plot. From there my characters have grown and developed and I love each of them. (Yes. Even the ones I killed. They were actually my favorites.)

Ever since the beginning I've had multiple books in mind. So I'm here to tell you that Sophiea's story is not quite over.

Today, May 20, 2019, I am starting book 2. The first chapter should be out soon.

I am so grateful for all you who have kept reading. The ones who go noticed. And the ones who don't. It honestly makes my day when I see that someone has read this.

I love you all and will see you in book two!

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