Chapter 4

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-March 23, 2015-

The people snuck toward the room of the raven-haired girl. The assassin led the way, everyone was silent as possible. One of the group started to sing softly but was soon shushed by 7 pairs of eyes glaring at him.

The redhead put a finger to her lips as she opened the door. With unknown objects clutched in their hands they approached the sleeping girl.

One put a hand over the light switch, ready to turn it on at any moment, and another quietly counted down "3, 2, 1, NOW!"

The lights brightened the whole room, and the group of people shouted, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" And shot streamers the air.

Sophiea jumped straight out of bed and got ready to defend herself. When she saw it was just her family, she relaxed just a bit.

"Are you kidding me?" She screamed. "It is 4 in the morning, and you come charging into my room yelling and waking me up!"

Steve looked sheepish. "Well doll, it is your 18th birthday and we just wanted to celebrate when you were born."

"I cannot believe you guys." She glared at each person in turn. Her dad, Tony, Steve, Clint, Tasha, Bruce. "I am going to bed again and you will leave me alone."

All the avengers left quite sheepishly. And the raven-haired girl went back to sleep.


When Sophiea finally walked into the kitchen 3 hours later, she saw the whole tower had been scattered with streamers, confetti, and glitter. "This is terrible. But better than sweet 16." She muttered under her breath.

On her 16th birthday, everything was painted pink and had sparkles. It was pink for months. For 15 she had spent the day in Asgard, there was a grand ball, and she wore an elegant green and gold dress.

Grandmother Frigga said she was radiant and looked like her father. Sophiea couldn't see it. In her family she was the misfit, the black sheep, the ugly duckling. She looked nothing like her golden-haired father.

Lost in memories of the past, Sophiea didn't hear her family enter behind her with a plate of pancakes.

"Have birthday Sophiea." Tony cheered half-heartedly. "Your finally 18. An adult."

"You can vote now." Everyone laughed at Steve's train of thought.

Glancing up at the clock on the wall, Sophiea stood up and grabbed her backpack. " It's 7:45. I have to get to school."

She waved and ran to the elevator. As the heavy metal doors shut behind her, she heard her her family say, " I can't believe she actually wants to go to public school. She should just do lessons at S.H.I.E.L.D. that would be easier."

There were many reasons that Sophiea didn't do S.H.I.E.L.D.'s schooling program. For starters, the kids there were vain, stuck up, rich, jerks, and Sophiea worked there anyway. She wanted some social life.

Sophiea started off. Walking to the subway was the easiest way to get there, it would then take her into Queens where she attended Midtown High. As she pushed through the throngs of people at the station, she heard her name called out.

" Sopheia Barnes! Sophiea!" She turned to see MJ sprinting towards her. "I had to call your name 6 times before you actually listened. What's going on in your head Barnes?"

At school she went under a different name. Sophiea Barnes. It was hard to be a normal kid when your last name was Odinson. Thor's last name. Changing her last name was one of Tony's ways to keep her identity safe from paparazzi and enemies of her father who might attack her.

After the hour long subway ride, the girls got to school, all their friends were crowded around a table in the lunchroom, but the second they saw her, she was swarmed in a massive group hug.

"I cannot believe it's your birthday!" Ned yelled, and Peter gave her a big thumb up.

"It is my birthday, but I don't think Ms. Sasha will take that as an excuse for being late to class. Let's go!" And with another big 'Happy birthday' everyone split up.

Her day was uneventful, and by the time she got to 7th period she was ready to be at S.H.I.E.L.D. and see what Phil had for her today.

If only everyone else was as nice as Phil. Granted, he was her godfather, his job was to take care of Sophiea.

The Avengers were nice, but they were all best friends, and many years older than Sophiea. No one took her seriously.

The kids on the other hand, were hard to get along with. The ones who lived at the tower anyways. She had never met Tasha and Bruce's kids. (2 kids from Russia, a boy about her age and a girl who was 14). Pepper and Tony had Morgan, who was 2 and a diva. Clint's kids almost never came around, and when they did, they didn't care for Sophiea that much. Her dad, Thor, married Jane and had Sophiea and her sister Jaenette, but not too long after, they split. Jaenette went with her mom while Sophiea stayed at the tower with her dad. It wasn't very fun when her mom and sister stopped by.


Phil met her outside S.H.I.E.L.D.'s H.Q. "I know it's your birthday today, but..."

Sophiea studied him. He didn't know what to do with his hands, he put them in his pockets, then he folded them, then he put them on his hips.

"But-But what? Am I fired or something?"

"It's not that. You have a mission tomorrow. We need a teenager and, well, none of the other agents fit that..." He waved his hand around.

"I get to go out for a mission!" Sophiea squealed. "No more desk work. Happy birthday to me." She did a happy dance around her godfather.

"Thing is you dad doesn't want me to give you a mission. He doesn't want you to get hurt, and I would prefer to not be electrocuted today." Sophiea's happy dance stopped, and Phil smiled at her. "I know he's overprotective and won't let you do anything, so, I'm giving you the mission anyways. Go home, get some rest and I expect to see you here tomorrow morning at 6:30"

Everyone was so confused when Sophiea came home early and saw the half-made birthday cake. They laughed and had fun for the rest of the night. After the party, she slowly slipped to her bedroom and packed a bag. She threw it next to her backpack and set her alarm clock for 6 A.M.

She would leave a note for her dad in the morning as she was leaving. She was going on a mission, and she couldn't wait. 

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