Chapter 3

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-June 7-11, 1998-

{Takes place during 'The Avengers'. Same plot and scenes, but the differences are listed below. The real chapter continues underneath.}

[**] change of plot

[*] added or changed scene

**the '80 people killed in 2 days' were the board of directors. Thanos who was mind controlling Loki wanted him to wipe out half of the human race, but Loki held him back and the only people that died are the board of directors and Coulson, and the people in New York.

*when Loki is talking with fury

"Ant, boot."

Loki rolled his eyes. "I cannot be trod upon like an insect. I am real power. I am," he did not get to finish, because the director interrupted.

"Well if 'real power' wants a magazine, just let me know." Fury smirked

"'Actually, could I speak with Coulson?" Loki looked hesitant to ask, but a few minutes later the agent walked in.

"Hello Mr. Odinson," Phil nodded in the direction of the caged god. "You seem to have gotten yourself into quite a predicament." Loki rolled his eyes as if to say, 'no dah' "Kaitia would have never wanted this."

Loki whirled and pounded on the glass cage. "Don't pretend you know you know what she would have wanted! Don't pretend like you know her." He sat on the hard bench that was the closest thing to a bed. Defeated he looked up at Coulson "She didn't do it you know. She was, she was, innocent." Loki stopped overcome with emotion.

"We know." The agent comforted "At least I know. She was to kind to do something like that."

"Will you just leave me alone." The downcast god pleaded. Phil nodded and walked out.

*when Natasha is talking with Loki

"And he will wake just in time to see his handy work, and when he screams, I will spilt his skull. That is my bargain you," Loki shuttered, and fell to his knees. Widow took a step closer to the fallen god.


"Thor," his voice cracked. "my brother. Get him, tell him, in the castle," the god let out a small scream and clutched his head. His eyes flicked from green to blue and back. "in my room, protect... keep safe." The ragged breathing stopped, and Loki stood up again, his eyes back to blue.

Widow stood there, processing everything that was just said to her.

"That is my bargain you mewling quim."

"So, the hulk's your plan?"

*when everyone is on the bridge, end of the movie

Thor nodded. Everything Nat was saying made sense. Loki would never willingly betray his family. He would have to see what was in Loki's room that needed protection.

Loki was looking at the water below him. He loved this spot, it was where Katiea and him often went for walks. The spider woman was talking to Thor, he had no idea why, what on earth could be this important. It was probably about him. Loki only wanted to know if his daughter was safe. But, he couldn't talk to anyone, he couldn't move his hand. Thor kept looking at him and he felt the judgment of all of the world on him. He had royally messed up. He couldn't remember what had happened, but the green monster had knocked Thanos out of his head.

Tony gathered everyone (except Loki of course) and when all were paying attention he said, "Ok listen up everyone. I know we all have our own separate ways and do our own things, but we are all going for shawarma next Tuesday. Even you Thor, anywho, we are meeting at the tower. It will be great."

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