Chapter 15

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-April 5, 2015-

"Tony what did you this time?" Sophiea awoke to bright lights, yelling people, and a pounding headache.

The avengers turned to look at her. Tony was he first one to say anything. "Just because something bad happened it was me who did it?"

"That is what usually happens." Steve offered quietly. "We trusted you with the scepter, and now it's gone and an insane robot has one of the most powerful things on the planet."

"Wait. What scepter?" Sophiea grumbled. "What's with a robot. What is going on?" She looked around. They were sitting in Tony's lab everyone looked battle worn and tired.

"Tony tried creating a new A.I." Bruce whispered. "We use the gem from Loki's scepter." Sophiea's eyes widened. The name sounded familiar. A forgotten memory tried to pull it self out of her mind, but she tuned back in the conversation to hear Tony on the brink of a panic attack.

"A hostile alien army came charging through a hole in space. We're standing three hundred feet below it. We're the Avengers. We can bust arms dealers all the live long day, but, that up there? That's...that's the end game. How were you guys planning on beating that?"

Steve's expression was soft. "Together."

"We'll lose." Tony's voice was flat. He knew what they were up against. He was the one who created the monster.

"Then we'll do that together too."

"Let me help." Sophiea was shocked at her own voice. "I want to come too. I'm an adult. I can make my own choices. I can do this. I train with you almost daily. I can take cap down in hand to hand combat. I have what it takes to be an Avenger. Let me come."

"Do you have a suit?"

"Um," Sophiea looked down. "No."

"I have a suit for you." Everyone stared at Tony in shock. "I made it a while ago, just in case. Seems like now's a good time to break it out."

Steve sighed. "Fine. You can come. But don't think that we'll send you out into danger. You are backup."

Thor nodded in agreement. "That's good. Daughter, I don't you in harm's way. This is a good compromise."


"I can fight this guy too." Sophiea complained as everyone (except Bruce) clambered out of the Quinn Jet. "He's not that dangerous."

"He's very dangerous." Steve called over his shoulder. "The answer was no, Sophiea. You're the back up. Stay here with banner."

"But I don't want to stay here with Banner." She mumbled as she sulked to the bench and plopped down.

"Ah, how was the date?" The older man asked trying to break the silence. They didn't work together often, it was usually Tasha who spent time with Sophiea.

"The date was fine." She grumped. "He danced with me in the rain. Said it was romantic. He's such a dork." Bruce came and sat next to her. "Oh, and he kissed me. I enjoyed it. He wasn't my first kiss, but it was nice." A smile crossed the younger girl's face. "I really like him, ya know. He's a good one."

"Well, I'm happy for you Sophiea. I'm glad you had a fun time."

Clint's off-key singing suddenly was heard though the com in the jet. "Yah, Yah, Yah. I'm Hawkeye, and I'm awesome. Yah I'm beyond awesome - I'm BEAEWSOME."

"Clint. Stop singing." Tony whispered.

"You're just jealous because you're not beawesome." Clint muttered

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