Chapter 12

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-April 4, 2015-

Sophiea looked around. "Are you sure this is the right cell?" The walls were white, barren, and the actual holding cell, was identical to every other cell in the facility.

"The one and only. Keaston is next door, in the last cell in the hall. This is the only one close to his."

Sophiea banged her head against the glass in frustration. "I just want to know what he was talking about." She hit her head over and over. "I know who I am. What's he talking about? He doesn't know me." Stopping hitting her head and rested it against the cool glass of the holding cell.

A feeling of nausea came over her and she fell to her knees. Lights flickered in her eyes, and she was staring at a completely different scene.

She was a perfect mix of the people she saw standing in front of her. The round face and freckles of the woman, and as she stood to her full height, she saw they had similar body shapes.

The man on the other and was tall and lanky. His dark hair was long and unkept. As Sophiea's eyes focused on the glass between her and the couple, she saw her smile matched his. The way the corner of her eyes crinkled when she grinned was almost identical to the man's.

He smiled at the woman she smiled down at him.

"Hello, my dear. My Katia. It's been so long. I'm sorry. If I could tell you in person I would. But I'm stuck here, and you are so far out of reach."

The man appeared to focus hard, he reached out, but it was too late, the image of the woman, Katia, faded from view.

"No. No. Come back." He closed his eyes and Sophiea could see a tear trail down his cheek. "My Katia Sopheia, I need you."

But before he could continue, Sophiea felt the nausea again and the lights flashed in her eyes again, and she was standing next to Nathanial, facing an empty glass cell.

"Oh my Gosh. Are you Ok? You look like you are going to puke."

"Did you see that?"

"See what? You fell to the ground and then in a trance stood and I don't know, it was freaky." He studied her eyes. "What did you see?"

"A man. A woman. She was just a-a image, and he called her something and-and" She paused. "It was my name."

"There are thousands of people with the name of Sophia. It could be anyone."

"No. It was connected to me. I know it was. It had to have been my name. Oh boy, you should have seen them Nat. They looked like me."

"I think it's time for lunch. You are sounding crazy and that might be fixed with a nice bagel or something."

"I don't need a bagel, Nathanial."

"I'm getting you a bagel, come on."


They sat in the cafeteria, agents bustling around them. Nathanial looked at the girl in front of him. She was picking apart the bagel with her long slender fingers.

"You can eat it you know. It's not poisonous."

"I don't need to eat anything. I'm not hungry."

"You need to eat though."

"Why do you want me to."

He ran a hand through his hair. "Because I care about you Sophiea. I care about you a lot. More than I should. Gosh. Now would you just eat the gosh darn bagel?"

She took a bite.

"Thank you."

"Why do you care?"

His eyes shot up and met hers with the question. "What?"

"Why do you care?"

"I-I don't know."

"That's a stupid reason to care for someone." Sophiea mumbled.

"If you let me get close to you, I could find the ways I care."

"What are you trying to say?"

"That I would like it very much if I could get to know you better and care for you." Sophiea studied the young man who was looking down in embarrassment.

"Do you want to go on a date?" She asked. Red flooded his cheeks, and a small smile crept onto his face.

"That would be nice."

"OK, I'm open tomorrow after noon. We could take a picnic into central park?"

"Don't you live in Queens? We could do something more local to you."

"Oh, no. I live in Manhattan with my family, not too far from the park. I can meet you there." She offered.

"Cool, I would have to drop my little sister off with my family. They live by the south end. So, I'll be up there anyway. Let's meet at 4:00."

"We can go get pizza. There's a place, on 58th Street. It's pretty good. Now, I'm going to ask Phil and Nick some things, want to join?"

"No, I've got some work I've got to do. I'll see you tonight. Or if I don't see you by then, 'til tomorrow my lady." He bowed.

"Until tomorrow my knight in shining armor." She stood up and began to walk away. "Love you, Nathanial."

His face went red and he choked out a: "Love you too" before she was gone from sight.


"Nick, can I talk to you?" Sophiea's voice was quiet as she tugged on the sleeve of her godfather's trench coat. "Please."

He turned, his glare softening when he saw her. "Of course, head to my office. Anything else?"

"Will you get Phil?"

He nodded and set off in search of Agent Coulson as Sophiea walked to the office. The familiar orange cat came and curled herself around Sopheia's feet.

"Hello Goose, how are you doing today?" The cat purred and Sophiea picked her up and sat on the chair waiting for her godparents to join her.

The door swung shut. "What do you want to talk about Sophiea?"

"Who was the man in cell number 24?"

Phil went white and chocked on his words that he tried to say. Fury began to mutter a string of curses under his breath. She stared the two men down, but neither of them revealed any information.

"Ok then. Who's Katia Sophiea?" As soon as the words escaped her lips, she regretted saying anything.

Nick Fury, the hardened leader of SHIELD looked like he had been punched in the stomach. Phil put a hand to his mouth and turned away.

"How do you know that name?"

"What's wrong?"

"I-well, the-the thing is, you know. That's a great question, Fury?" Phil looked to his comrade for assistance.

"She's important, isn't she?"

"That is a great question, Nick what would you say?"

"I say that you should stop trying to pretend you didn't know her." Fury walked to his goddaughter and knelt down in front of the chair. "She was one of the best agents I've ever had. Keaston was the reason for her death. I've always had speculations of what she did when she left Shield, but there's no way to check." He looked away for a moment. "You are on that list."

"I'm sorry. What?"

"All the dates line up. Coulson was with her in her last moment, where he met her husband. The husband who attacked New York just weeks later. The husband who was in cell 24 last night. I don't know how you know who she is or who he is, but we have reason to believe you are their child."

"I-I what? How on earth? Nick you know my dad. Trust me I would know if I was adopted. That's crazy." She sighed. "I'll look into it. See what I can figure out."

She stood up in a trance and wandered out the door.  

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