Chapter 6

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-March 24, 2015-

It wasn't long before all the cities had disappeared from view and they were flying over open land. Sophiea stared out the window, her nose pressed against the glass. She had only seen this much green in the movies.

Sure, she had been to Asgard, but other than that she had never been out of New York.

Nathanial looked at Sophiea. She was beautiful. She was silly and fun, and she had a beautiful look of wonder on her face as she gazed at the rolling fields.

"So, how are you doing?" He questioned.

"I'm doing pretty great."

"I'm Nathanial. By the way." He looked around trying to think of something to say. "I've been working for shield for 4 years." He started. "So, it's just me, my sister, my mom, and my dad. I am 18 and I have been for 3 months. I love chocolate. Um..."

Sophiea laughed. "I'm the oldest of two but my mom and dad split, and I never see my sister so it's like I'm an only child. At my home it's me, my father, and all my aunts, uncles, and cousins." Nathanial looked surprised at the mention of all her family. "I know it's a lot, they are the reason I am willing to take a longer mission. I just need some space, you know?" She paused for a moment. "What is our story? I mean, are we just the new people moving in? Why us? What role does Phil play in this?"

For the first time on the long jet ride their pilot spoke. "You two are 'troubled youth' from New York, sent to be in the country and connect with nature." Sophiea and Nathanial looked at each other, worried. "You are going together because we need teenagers and because Fury and I ship you and think that would be fun for the mission, and to give you some company."

He held up a hand to stop the protesting teens. "Sophiea, don't glare at me like that. As your godfather I can ship you with anyone I want. It just so happens to Nathaniel. I'm not saying that you have to marry him, I'm just saying you would be a good match.

Oh, And I am here to be your chaperone, to help the 'troubled youth' that you to will have to pretend to be. Here is some makeup and other crap to help give that hardened look." He threw a package to the back.

Nathanial broke the uneasy silence. "Well, this will be interesting."


By the time they had parked the jet and gotten a car, and had driven half way to the school, Sophiea and Nathanial looked like rebel teens with a bad streak.

Sophiea had black make up and her black hair was pulled into a ponytail with green streaks running through it. She had multiple clip-on earrings, with matching bracelets and a choker. She was wearing a black leather mini dress with a green skirt and green laces that ran up the front, it looked like a corset that ended in a sweetheart neckline. Her shoulders were bare showing off the pale skin of her arms and across her upper back. She had black leggings with a slit up the side and combat boots with green laces.

Nathanial was wearing black skinny jeans and a black tee shirt, with a leather jacket, hanging on one shoulder. On the arm that was showing he had tattoos from his wrist all the way up to where his sleeve met his skin. He too had black make up, although his was much lighter than Sophiea's. His blond hair was messed up and he was looking out the window with piercing blue eyes, often he would turn to study Sophiea, but she was lost in her own world.

Phil had his glasses on and was looking like Phil. With one hand on the steering wheel, he turned back to the couple in the back sitting as far away from each other as possible. "Would either of you mind if I turned on music?"

Startled, the teens looked up. Sophiea nodded, not really caring, and Nathanial simply said, "I really like 'Casta diva' from Bellini's opera Norma," Sophiea turned to him with a shocked expression, but before she could say anything Nathanial said. "What? It's one of my dad's favorite songs. He always listens to it to calm down."

A smile tugged on the corners of Sophiea's lips. "Ok. Whatever floats his boat. Phil, when will we be at the school?"

"Any minute. Make sure to act cool and like you don't want to be here." He paused for a moment and then he smiled. "And take a chill pill. It's not that terrifying." The older agent shifted his eyes to the girl and Nathanial knew what he was trying to say.

He smiled and grabbed Sophiea's hand. When he noticed how clammy it was, and how irregular her breathing was he slid to the middle seat and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "We can do this. Just remember to breath."

"Here we are!" Phil suddenly exclaimed, pulling into a parking lot. Everyone slowly climbed out of the car and made their way to the front door. Nathanial's arm was still around Sophiea's shoulders, and she was holding on to his waist for support.

"I think I'm going to be sick."

"It's ok. Just breathe. I've got you." She nodded and they joined Phil at the front of the building.

There was a meeting committee at the door and the principal blanched at the sight of the teens. "Hello, Mr. Carson," he began "It is good to finally meet you, as for you two," he turned to Sophiea, "Miss. Sophiea, there is a dress code here you have to cover your shoulders. And you, Nathanial just by appearance you can go in, just make sure to watch your attitude."

Nathanial shrugged of his jacket and Sophiea put it on. They walked through the doors together and were completely lost by the time they had gone 6 steps.

The student body officer who was waiting outside had come running in. "Your first class it this way. Come on!" They followed him and every pair of eyes in the school followed them.

It was going to be a really long day.  

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